Chapter Seventeen

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You went back to the doctor's to receive the results.

"Welcome back, miss."  A nurse greeted.

"Hello."  You smiled gently.

"We have the results."  She smiled.  "You're going to have a baby."  You were excited but what would Leo think?

"Thank you."  You thanked as she handed the result over.  You hid it in your purse as you headed back to the manor.

"Y/n."  A heavenly scent filled your nose.

"H-hey Leo!"

"Why are you stuttering?"  He frowned.

"N-no reason!"  You falsely laughed.

"Where's your medicine?"

"It's in my purse."

"Give me your purse."  He growled.

"F-fine..."  You hesitantly handed him the purse.  He found the paper and opened it from it's folded form.  You looked down.  You were ashamed.

"You're pregnant?"  He asked.

"I'm sorry..."  You felt his hands hold your waist.  You looked up.

"This is amazing!"  He said as he lifted you into the air.  "I love you so much!"

"I love you too Leonardo."  You smiled as he gently placed you back down.

"Guess we should come up with some names.  Right?"  He smiled.  You nodded.  The two of you headed to his room.  You sat on his bed with a notepad.

"What about Luna?"  It wasn't the best name.

"Write it down.  We'll come back to it."  He said.  "Nova?"  He suggested.  You wrote it down.

"What about Elijah?  It could work for a girl or boy."  You tilted your head.

"That's perfect.  But what if it's twins?"  He asked.

"Ellie and Elijah."  You smiled and he smiled back.

Ikemen Vampire;  Leonardo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now