Senior year

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Thomas died, Penny Peabody went to jail and my sister became Serpent queen. School starting back up was the cherry on top. We all dressed nicely and we all packed our bags neatly for that first day, but deep down we didn't want to go. We were full of fear and sadness that day because Senior year reminded us once again about a boy who would never get the chance.

7 in the morning, Ivy woke up when her phone rang about ten minutes before her actual alarm. She tried to move gently so she wouldn't wake Liz who's arms were wrapped around Ivy's waist and who's head rested on Ivy's shoulder. She looked at the screen and picked up. It was Ben. "What do you want." Ivy said, instead of asking. "I couldn't get a hang of Mika, so I'm calling you. Is she up yet?" Ben said on the other side of the line. "No, she's not. I'm gonna hang up now, because I'm not your girlfriend, Mika is, so I have the right to do this." She heard Ben trying to defend himself before she pushed the red button on her screen. Nevertheless she got up instead of going back to sleep. Liz murmured a little when Ivy got up. "School sucks, just lay down for a few more minutes.." she said. "Mika's boyfriend called. I'm gonna wake her up." Ivy walked down the hallway and entered Mika's room, where she was in a deep sleep. Ivy grabbed Mika's grey bean-bag and threw it upon her face. "Rise and shine! It's the first day of Senior year!" Mika threw her pillow at Ivy's head and got up. "Yeahhhh, first day of school.." she said sarcastically. "Ben called. He could get a hang of you. So, he woke me up. And Liz as well, he'll pay for that." Mika smiled and got out of bed. They both got dressed and sat down at the breakfast table. Liz sat down in her pyjamas and grabbed a bowl of cereal. Jughead sat down as well and looked at the three girls. "You ready for this?" he asked them. Mika nodded and Liz said "Yes." with her mouth full of cereal. Ivy stayed quiet. It was as if the question triggered so many memories, things she'd rather forget. Memories about Thomas. "Ivy?" Jughead asked her because she didn't answer. "Yeah.. I'm excited.." she said quietly.

Aurelia spent her morning trying to find a clean pair of jeans. "Mom, have you seen my jeans?" she asked her mother when she entered the living room. "I don't know, did you look underneath your bed?" Aurelia nodded and pointed at her sweatpants. "If necessary I'll go to school in these." she laughed. Reggie entered the living room and kissed Veronica on her forehead. "Good morning ladies. You ready for Senior year, kid?" Aurelia nodded. "Have you seen her jeans?" Veronica asked Reggie. "I put it in your closet drawer. Where all your jeans are." he said, mocking his daughter. "Thanks dad!" Aurelia yelled as she ran up to her room to grab her jeans.

Florian woke up around 6 and couldn't get back to sleep. He got dressed and started up his computer. While he put on his shoes, the computer screen popped on. When he got up he looked at the wallpaper. It was a picture of him  and Thomas, hugging and smiling. Florian tried not to cry, so he looked away from the screen. He proceeded to take his keyboard and he threw it down to the floor. It's a wonder his father didn't wake up. Florian started sobbing as he sat down on his bedroom floor. He still couldn't believe it. He was going to Senior year without Thomas.

Ivy, Liz and Mika entered the school building and looked for their lockers. Ivy put her books for her afternoon classes in her locker and looked at the locker across the hallway. Thomas's locker was filled with pictures and flowers. Lots of kind messages were written down on tiny pieces of paper and stuffed between all the pictures and flowers. "School has been open for like 30 minutes and people already did this?" Mika said. The three girls were surprised. Liz hugged Ivy and grabbed her hand. "Come on, we're having our first class of the year, we can't miss that." They walked away from the locker and Mika stayed there, staring at the locker. "She misses you. Far too much...I think we all do. I haven't heard anything from Florian. He was supposed to call me this morning..." Mika saw startled by the bell that rang. "I gotta go." she said before walking away from the locker.

Seems like an innocent start, doesn't it? Well, it wasn't. Everyone and everything seemed to have lost something. Some had lost Thomas, others had lost, or rather started to lose,  something just a important. Their sanity.

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