I would never hurt you

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Florian sat upon the front porch of his house and stared ahead of himself. He was biting his nails and he twitched his leg out of stress. Mika, who came walking home from Pops, looked at Florian and said: " Shouldn't you be in there?" pointing at Florian's house. He shook his head. Mika sat down next to him. "Thomas would've wanted you to. He always cared about everyone getting a cold or something like that. Thomas would've pushed you back into your house by now, but I'm not him." Mika said. Florian got up. "Listen, I know you were shot and shit, but you have made good discoveries down in those cellars. You bonded with your sister again, you found your long lost brother, for Christ sake! What did I have? My boyfriend stabbed himself to death." "He wasn't just your boyfriend, he was also my friend!" Mika screamed. "Stop making everything worse than it already is! You're not the only one at loss here, Andrews!" Florian walked towards his front door, wanting to go inside now more than ever. "Naturally you walk away once I start confronting you on your weak spots. You need to face it, Andrews, not the whole word is about you." Mika then walked towards her own front door and disappeared into her house. Florian sobbed and tears started running down his face. He sank down in front of the door and his body just refused to get up. Florian knew he wasn't the only one in pain, but somehow it did feel like that. He couldn't understand how everyone moved past it so quickly.

I later learned Florian didn't know we were all far from over Thomas's death. It is true though, that out of all of us, Florian was having the most trouble dealing with Thomas not being there. I worried about him. About my sister. About myself. I worried about everything there was in my small world.

Mika hung up her jacket and walked toward the kitchen to grab some food. Jughead sat on the couch and laughed when he saw her. "Are you here to talk to Ivy?" he asked. "No." she answered. "Look, you need to talk to her, some day. You can't stay mad at each other for all eternity." Mika scoffed at her father's comment. "Maybe I will hate her for all eternity, you can't decide that for me." "Okay, talk to me then." Mika rolled her eyes. "Why don't you wanna talk to Ivy?" Jughead asked his daughter. Mika sat down on the floor in front of the couch. "I.. I guess I'm scared.. scared of how she'd react.. she's gonna hate me..I didn't mean it.. but she won't believe that." Jughead frowned. "How do you know?" Mika sighed and felt defeated on the matter. "I don't." "Well, then find out. Talk to her." Mika got up and stormed upstairs. She knocked on her sister's door. After 2 minutes of no answer, Mika just entered the room. Ivy was sitting on her bed, reading a book. "Go away." she said. "I'm here to talk." Mika said, defending herself. "Try again." Mika rolled her eyes and said: " I'm here to apologise." Ivy only now looked up from her book and said: "Come in." Mika came sitting upon her sister's bed and looked her straight in the eye. "I would never hurt you. That's a promise. You know that, right?" Ivy just stayed quiet. "Remember when you were about 6 years old and you told me you had broken my action figures? You said: 'Please don't hurt me!' and then I promised you that I would never do that. Ever." Ivy looked at her sister. "Well, you lied." Ivy saw her sister's regret but refused to give in. "It was an accident. When are you going to listen to me?!" Ivy got up and almost shouted: " You should listen to me! For months I've been telling you to calm down! To learn how to control the darkness inside you, but you never do! You just keep on going until you explode! That's why my you hit me! That's why you do this!" Ivy grabbed Mika's hand and pointed at the deep wounds. "My whole life I've know about this thing and I used to be afraid you would become like our grandfather!" "I will never be like that horrible man! He was a killer and a liar!" Mika screamed. "We have his blood inside ourselves, we can't help but remind people of him sometimes!" Ivy screamed back. "I will never be like Hal Cooper, not a day in my life and if you don't believe me, then just fuck off!" With that said, Mika stormed out and aggressively smashed the door behind her. Ivy was left ik her room, alone.

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