Resque attempt

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To clarify, she didn't mean the bar, she meant the cellar underneath.

The four entered the bar in silence, looking around at the chairs and tables. They had all quickly changed into more comfortable clothes. The boy just took of their vests and ties. The girls, mainly Aurelia, had put on a jeans and t- shirt. Florian was carrying a baseball bat. The bar was so quiet, it made the group anxious. Ivy walked around and then noticed a small light coming from the door of the wine cellar. "In here." She loudly whispered. They walked down the stairway, Florian felt uncomfortable as hell, this gave him flashbacks.

It was dark in the cellar and they heard soft whimpering. Ivy wanted to run to the noises, but she stopped when she heard screaming coming from the other room of the cellar. It was a male voice, screaming for help. He sounded like he was in pain. Ivy couldn't identify who it was by hearing the voice, but she was certain Mika was the one torturing. "Mika's in there." she whispered, trying to make her way through the dark without hitting anyone. When she crawled down to feel a person, sitting in front of her at the floor, Ivy said: " Liz?" She heard a soft "Ivy?" Ivy gasped in happiness and quickly grabbed her phone to use as a flashlight. "I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry.. I shouldn't have.." Liz whispered: "Ivy, you're here now. You're saving me and Alice." "Alice?" Seb said as he heard his sister's name. "Seb?" he heard coming from the dark. It was Alice, calling out to her brother for help. "Alice, can you tell me who's in the other room with Mika?" Ivy asked the young girl, who nodded shockingly. "Mika grabbed him about an hour ago. He just wouldn't stop screaming. I don't know what she's doing to him, but it must be awful." Seb had meanwhile tried to find his way to his sister, taking Florian with him. Aurelia stood watch. Seb sat crouched down in front of Alice and started untying the ropes. Alice cried and said: "I knew you'd come, you always have my back." Seb hugged her tight and said: "I'm never gonna leave you, ever again, okay?" Once the two girls were untied, they got up and wanted to walk to the exit, but then they heard it. Actually, they heard nothing. The screaming had stopped. "Shit!" Florian loudly whispered. They all stayed still, didn't move one inch, hoping to avoid getting discovered. A figure entered the dark cellar and the group was relieved to see it was Ben, instead of Mika. Ivy ran up to him, he clearly needed support, he could barely stand. "What happened to you?!" Ivy needed to know. Ben didn't answer, he just stared ahead of himself. The group walked up the stairs and then they heard her voice.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
Mika asked them, playfully, like it was all a big game to her. Ivy recognised her sister's voice and shouted: " GET AWAY!" to the group, they needed to leave, right now. They ran up the remaining stairs, through the bar, and when at Pops, Ivy shouted Pops name, hoping he could come and help. But Pop wasn't there. No one was. It was like the diner was completely abandoned. "COME ON, POP! HOLY SHIT, WE'RE GONNA DIE IF YOU'RE NOT HERE!" Ivy shouted. She ran outside the diner, she was still supporting Ben. Her friends waited for her outside and when Florian spotted them, he yelled: "There they are!" The group ran up to them, Ivy was smiling, she was so close. Then she felt a kick against her back, which made her fall down, taking Ben with her.

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