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They all arrived at school, into the gym. The gym was filled with teenagers in all colors of suits and dresses, dancing to the music that was playing through the speakers, speakers that also as an extra feature spat out light in all kinds of colors. Liz pulled Ivy by the arm into the dancing crowd and the two started dancing. "Florian, come save me when I give out the signal!" Florian chuckled and frowned. "What's the signal?" He yelled at her, considering she was already far down the crowd. "I'll shout your name!" He heard her scream. Florian kept on laughing and Sebastian took his hand, pulling him into the crowd as well. FP and Aurelia sat on the side of the dance floor and they were holding red cups with soda in it. "So, now that I've taken you to Prom, should I do something else?" He asked her. Aurelia responded: " I mean, you've taken me here, I'm having a good time, what else do you wanna do?" "Let's take a picture on the prom stand, we haven't done that yet. Isn't that supposed to be the main event of the evening?" Aurelia smiled at his awkwardness. "Sure, let's."

Alice Sub opened her eyes and she saw a grey wall. She didn't know where she was and when she tried to move, she heard a grunt behind her. She was tied up with someone. "I'm scared." She breathed, hoping the person tied to her would hear it, but she also didn't want to bother him or her. "Me too." She heard a low voice say. The voice was hushed and it sounded like it was afraid to speak. Alice tried to turn around and see who it was and when she did, she gasped loudly. It was Ben Stinson, his face a little bloody, someone had knocked him out cold. "Ben?" Alice said, louder than she thought. He didn't move. "Come on, you have to wake up.," she begged him. Trying to shake him awake, Alice moved her shoulders. He slowly opened his eyes. "Whoah, where am I?" He asked himself. He looked at Alice and suddenly he was wide awake. "Alice? Why are you here? Where are we?" "You think I can answer those questions? We need to find a way out, we have to contact Seb or Florian or Ivy maybe!" They suddenly heard a noise coming from the other side of the room. "You wanna get to Seb?" They heard a female voice say. She mockingly continued: "And Florian and Ivy? You want your big brother and his friends to come and rescue you?" Ben recognized the voice and he said: "You? Why you?" Out of the shadows came Mika, holding a baseball bat that was covered in blood. "You think they're gonna come find you?" Alice nodded her head firmly. "They will! Seb will!" "Don't kid yourself, they're not coming. They're at Prom, having fun, dancing, drinking, making love. They're too busy to think about you two." "Seb has to come to save us, he always does!" Alice shouted, crying. "I hope for you that he does. I'll be gone for a little while now, I need to get one more guest for this little party we're having." Mika left as mysterious as she came and Ben and Alice were left alone. "You sure your brother will come for you? 'Cause I wanna bet he'll never even make it to you." Mika finished off before disappearing.

Ivy and Liz walked up to the bar and ordered two drinks. "I didn't know you could dance?" Ivy said to her girlfriend as they got their cups. "I can't, I just do random shit." Liz giggled. "I didn't know you could spend more than an hour in a dress?" she continued. Ivy frowned and then pointed at her backpack that was sitting in the corner of the gym. "I brought a shirt and pants. If you don't mind, I'm gonna change real quick." Liz nodded and smiled when Ivy kissed her on her forehead before leaving. She walked out of the gym with her drink, the gym was hotter than a sauna. Liz took a big gulp from her drink and was startled when she heard the bushes rustle beside her. She looked at where the sounds came from and out of the bush came Sebastian and Florian, holding hands, their suits a little messy. They tried to pretend nothing was wrong. "Gross, guys." Liz said and the two boys felt busted like no one ever could. "Come on, Eliza, it's Prom, let us have this moment." Sebastian said. Liz started laughing and then said: " You better clean the place up, Ivy and I wanted to do the same later tonight." Florian nodded and pushed Seb back towards the gym. The two boys left giggling and shouting, Liz was out there on her own again. Suddenly she felt a hand in front of her mouth and she wanted to scream or at least turn around to try and see who was attacking her, but when she did, she screamed. It was Mika.

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