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The Glade? The Glade. I felt like ive heard of it before but im not sure. I was getting a headache from thinking about the glade and everything else so i said "Newt im gonna get sleep i have a slight headache." He nodded and i headed towards the homesteads where Newt's room was. I took my boots off and without thinking my head hit the pillow and i fell into a deep sleep.


There was a little girl staring into a mirror as someone was combing through hair with a brush. She wore a floral dress that made her hazel eyes stand out. The face of whomever was combing her hair was just a blur. "Please dont let them take me, I dont want to go without you." The lady said "Im sorry but its not a safe world out here, you must go." The little girl sarted crying. Then the lady said "They'll keep you safe, WICKED is good."

End dream*

I woke up confused about my dream. Those three words stuck in my head...WICKED is good. And who was that lady? Was the little girl me? I heard the noise of shifting and yawning. I looked over the bed to see Newt sitting up on the floor, "Morning Love." My eyes widened as i suddenly remembered that this was Newts bed and he had slept on the floor. "Im so sorry Newt i-i took your bed and you had to sleep on the floor its just that i wasnt really thinking because i had a huge headache and i was tired and...."

"Greenie!!!" He suddenly made me stop talking. He chuckled "Your blabbering." I looked at my lap shyly as i felt a slight blush to my cheeks and my hair fall to the side covering my face,"S-sorry". He said "We have to get up , today you get the tour of the Glade from Alby"

First we left to get breakfast from Frypan. It was just a simple bacon with egg sandwitch. Me and Newt sat down with these two guys. Newt said "Id like you to meet Thomas and Minho. They are Runners. They are also are the Keeper of the runners." Thomas shook my hand,"Nice to meet yah shank." Minho also shook my hand but also winked at me and kissed my hand, "Nobody told me the new greenie was this pretty." He was obviously trying to flirt with me.

I rolled my eyes and said "Nice try but you aint getting anything from me." Both Newt and Thomas Ooo'd at Minho. Minho was blushing alot. He put his hands up and said "No hard feelings, but friends?" I gladly agreed and shook his hand. We had finished eating and it was time for the tour. I met up with Alby by the box.

"Okay greenie, save your questions till the end."

We walked to the North East of the Glade.

"This is where the gardens are.Here the crops are grown and water is pumped since it never rains here. The Track-Hoes work here, they pick the crops, weeds and just make sure the garden is in shape. Zart is the keeper of the Track-Hoes"

Then we moved on to the South West of the Glade.

"This is Bloodhouse.It says it all in the name, this is where we raise and slaughter the animals for food. The slaughters are the ones who take care of the animals and kill them."

Next we went to the North West of the Glade.

"Here is the Homesteads. Its where we all sleep well except the keepers of course. Behind here is the slammer. Its like a jail where we lock whatever shuck face breaks the rules."

Lastly we went to the South West part of the Glade.

"This is our last stop. The Deadheads. Its where we bury gladers who have passed away. So now that we've been through almost everything its time to tell you the rules.

1. Everyone does their part.Its how we work together to keep this glade from going klunk.

2.Never hurt another glader, you have to trust eachother.

Most importantly

3.NEVER EVER, go through those maze walls unless your a runner.

Now tomorow you are to try out each job. I havent mentioned all the jobs but you'll find out tomorow. In the end all the keepers will see which job you should get."

I nodded not having any questions to ask. Alby left me by the Deadheads. I decided to go sit by a tree in the deadheads. There were a few flowers so i started weaving a flower crown.

"Its peaceful here, isnt it?"

I looked up to see Newt standing there smiling at me. I smiled back, "Yah, do you come and sit here sometimes?" He sat down next to me and said "Yah, its relaxing on a tired and busy day. What are you makin?" I put a finished flower crown on him and said "A flower crown." I laughed since he did a pose. "Do i look good?" I nodded. He then got another flower crown and put it on me. "Beautiful." I looked away because i felt my cheeks getting warm. I felt Newt put his hand under mr chin so i looked at him.

We were both just staring at eachother untill he started leaning in. Was he gonna kiss me?

We were just inches away!

"NEWT! WHERE ARE....oh here you are."

Ughhh, it was Zart.Me and Newt pulled away quickly.

"Its Ben, he's been stung"

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