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Harmonys Pov

I felt movement that was going up. It made me feel queasy. I opened my eyes to find myself on a cold metal floor. When i sat up i tried to see if there was something to lean on because i was becoming dizzy. I was in a box that was filled with crates. The crates said W.C.K..D. I was confused. I couldnt even remember my name but there was a voice in my head. Harmony! Im guessing it was my name but i couldnt remember anything else. How do i look like? Whats my age? I touched and looked at my hair to see i had light brown hair. I went to the corner and hugged my knees to my chest while i put my head down. After about 30 mins the box suddenly came to a halt. I looked up to see that from the top the box it was slowly opening and i saw light so bright i had to cover my eyes.

"Its a girl?". It sounded like a boy with a british accent but i still couldnt see. Then i heard murmers from many other boys? I uncovered my hand from my face to see two brown eyes looking down at me. It was a boy, he was blonde and had a square jaw. He put his hand out,"Looks like we have a new Greenie!". Greenie? Never heard terms like that before. I hesitated but grabbed his hand. He pulled me up. About fourty boys were surrounding me. "W-who are you people? Why cant i remember anything?!" The boy with blonde hair came up to me. "Calm down greenie we'll explain everything but do you remember your name?" I nodded, "Harmony." A man that looked like the oldest came up to us. Im guessing he is the leader since he looks the oldest. "Newt whats going o...". He stared at me. He kinda scared me since he had a cold blank expression. "Whats your name?". I suddenly found the ground very interesting. I quietly said "Harmony." Some comments had came from the group of boys.

"I call dibs!"

"Whats the pretty little ladies name?"

Along with a few whistles and howls. It made me feel uncomfortable. Blondie turned to the boys and yelled "Hey! You shanks shuck it and get back to work!". The man was talking to blondie, "I want you to keep Harmony company and make sure none of the gladers do anything to her." Blondie came up to me "Well greenie looks like you're stuck with me. Im Newt by the way." I shook his hand. I followed him into what was a wooden building that looked like it wasnt stable and could fall. He scratched the back of his neck and said "Erm... you'll be sleeping in my room untill... um we know you can stay with the others... for protection of course." I felt my cheeks blushing a little but i just nodded. "You dont talk much, guess its just nervousness but there is nothing to be afraid of. We've all been in your position before.... Um just stay here for a bit while i got to talk to Alby." Before he left i said "Thanks." He stopped in his tracks and turned around and gave me a sly slime, "Anytime!". After he left i looked around the room. It was a good size room, not too big or small. I walked around the room out of curiosity. I found a dagger on a wooden desk. The leather handle of the dagger was slighlty worn down but i found it interesting how it was hand made. I heard the door of the room and i panicked. I slammed the dagger on the table and turned around. Newt was just looking at me. "I-im so s-orry i was....um... I was j-just curious.". Newt started laughing. "Its okay love, cmon were gonna have a bonfire outside. Its starting to get dark."

I followed Newt outside where surely there was a big bonfire in the center. Many of the boys were just talking and laughing. I looked at the ground while walking so my hair covered my face. We had sat down against a log. "Here, try this." Newt had gave me something brownish looking in a jar. It looked like honey so i took a sip. I emediately spit it out and wiped my mouth. "What is that!?" He chuckled, "Its Gally's secret recipe." It was disgusting. It was silent between us for a moment until Newt spoke. "Im surprised you haven't asked a lot of questions, usually when a new greenie arrives they are exploding with questions." I turned to look at him," Well i guess you can say id be the person in the back of the classroom that stays quiet and just stares out the window. But i do have one question......

Where am i?"

Newt said "This is your new home, welcome to the Glade greenie!"


A/n Hey Gladers!! So this is my first TMR book so it wont be the greatest but im gonna do my shucking best. I dont own this video. I get them from vine accounts although ill tel you if i ever make one. I also dont own any of the characters but Harmony.

Creds to :James Dasher for TMR

If any of you have any ideas i will gladly like to hear them and when i use them for a chapter ill give you a shoutout! I gtg, i have school. Ewww :p baii Gladers!

Ps: Gif on top of confused Newt being cute AF❤️😍

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