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Harmonys POV

Its been a week since i arrived in the Glade.After the incident with Ben i continued to try testing the other jobs. Turns out i was made a med-jack. I didn't mind it was a pretty good job.

I still sleep with Newt in his room. Its not awkward like before. we have a close relationship now although I'm still a bit shy around him because i have to admit, i kinda-maybe-sorta have a crush on him ever since i met him but its gotten stronger☺

"Harmony! We have a dislocation."

I quickly got to one of the Med jack beds.

"What happened?"

"One of the builders dislocated their arm, we need to push it back in place."

The builder was panting and whimpering in pain.

"Okay, I'm gonna put your arm back in but i need you to cooperate and not move. Its okay to scream but heres a towel to bite on."

The gladder took the towel. I got his arm in a firm grip.

"On three I'm gonna push your arm back.


I pushed his arm as he screamed. Finally with a pop his arm was back in place and he calmed down.

"You did good, just don't use that arm for a day or two, don't worry ill tell Alby."

I took a five minute break to use the restroom and drink water until Clint came up to me.

"Harmony! Frypan needs stitches can you go take care of him?"

I nodded

When i got to Frypan he had a deep gash on his finger.

"what happened Fry?"

"I was chopping some vegetables and i cut my finger with a knife."

I got a needle, thread, and some cleaning wipes. I got the wipes and cleaned the blood from his cut.

"you'll feel a few pinches bur not much pain"

I put the thread through the needle and started to sew his cut. When i finished i put a bandaid over the stitches.

"you're all good now but try not to use or move that finger too much or you'll open the stitches. Put this cream on it everyday, it'll help heal it quicker."

Finally it was lunch!

I washed my hands and got my food from Frypan.

I sat in a corner table where Thomas,Minho, and Chuck sat

"Hey guys, wheres Newt?"

Thomas replied "Hes talkin to Alby."

"Oh..." I was really hoping to see him since i havent seen him all day. Not even in the morning,he had woken up early before me.

Minho smirked "Aww does Harms miss little Newtie?" I smacked him behind the head

"Ow! I was joking."

This time i smirked "I know."

•••••••••••AFTER LUNCH••••••••••••

After lunch i had to do many bandaging for some Gladers, seriously how many builders manage to hurt themselves!?

Jeff came up to me with bowls that had blood on them.

"Could you wash these please. After your done for the day. Nice work!"

He patted me and the back and left.

I went to the sink to wash the bowls. It took me a while to get use to the stench of blood but i eventually got over it. Finally and officially i had finished my job. I washed my hands and face and put some body spray so i wont smell. I would take a shower but the soap hasnt came in yet and neither has any supplies from the box.

It was getting dark soon so i settled in a tree in the deadheads. I sat down, legs pulled to my chest, my head back against the tree trunk, and my eyes closed. I just sat there listening to the breeze of the wind, thats untill someone interrupted...


I groaned for being bothered when i was just starting to feel relaxed.

"Someones not happy to see me!"

I opened my eyes to Newt.

I closed my eyes again and patted a spot next to me. Newt knew what i was trying to say so he sat next to me. We were shoulder to shoulder.

"Look... look at the sky."

I opened my eyes and found myself looking at a night sky full of stars.

I smiled and nuzzled myself into Newts chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

We stayed like that in silence


"Yes love?"
"Did the runners find anything today."

He sighed "No. They still dont know what to do with the metal thing they found in the greiver thomas killed when we have had it for 2 weeks already. We had it before you came."

Suddenly a wave of sadness came over me.
"I know ive only been here for a while but do you think we'll get out of here?"

"Honestly,i dont know Harms."
"You know were like the stars."

"How so?"

I sighed "Everything in this Glade, everyone are good things,good people.

Well... everything good eventually dies,just like the stars."

Newt turned his head and looked down at me.

"Hey, dont say that. I may not remember much but i do know that when a star dies it never losses its light.
Were gonna get out of here, i made a promise to protect you and im keeping that promise. Because i lost hope once and its not a feeling you want, i dont want you to feel the same, you understand?"

I nodded and hugged Newt.

We pulled away. I looked into his chocolate eyes as he looked back at mine. We were suddenly leaning in. I closed my eyes only to feel Newt's warm lips against mine.

We pulled away,

"I like you Harms, alot..."

"I like you alot too Newt...."

We laid under the stars in eachothers arms and we eventually fell asleep.



Can i just say


srry Newt is just so shuckin cute in the end!!!!

Comforting Harms and stuffff...


so what do you think of the story?The action is not going to happen untill later on but soon!

Its 11:00pm and im tired cause i had practice blah blah blah

Sooooo Goodnight shanks!


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