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(Cat above is Jaypaw, drawn by me😁)

"Should we hunt together or split up?"

"I'll hunt a litte ways from the ThunderClan border." Jaypaw mewed. "You can hunt by..."

"I'll hunt by the lake." Wolfpaw decided. "Then we can meet back here."

Jaypaw nodded. "That sounds good. See you in a little bit!"

The gray she cat turned and descended into the bushes. Wolfpaw continued on to the lake, sniffing for prey as he went. Once he arrived, he had already managed to catch a small mouse. He buried it at the base of a tree, making small claw marks in the dirt so he wouldn't forget where it was. He then open his mouth again to taste the air. He looked around and spotted a vole scurrying across the ground, a small seed in its tiny paws. Wolfpaw crouched low to the ground and gave his body a very light shake.

He crept forward on light paws, letting his claws slowly slide out. The vole, unaware that it was being stalked, turned its back and continued to fiddle with its food. Wolfpaw took the opportunity. He leapt, landing with the vole between his paws. He bent down and killed it with a swift bite to the neck.  He picked it up and went back and dug up his mouse.

He continued on, catching a squirrel and shrew. He made his way back to where he would meet Jaypaw. The she cat wasn't there so Wolfpaw sat down and decided to wait for her. Once she arrived, they would head back with plenty of food for the clan.

Wolfpaw looked up the sky after what seem like moons. The sun wasn't quite setting just yet, but he knew he had been waiting for a while now. Where is Jaypaw? Surely she wouldn't have gone back without him.

Maybe she did. Wolfpaw picked up his catches and headed back to camp. When he slipped through the thorn tunnel he hoped to see Jaypaw somewhere in camp. But she wasn't there. Wolfpaw went over and dropped off his prey and padded to the apprentices' den. Hollypaw sat outside eating a small mouse.

"Hey, Hollypaw." Wolfpaw greeted. "Have you seen Jaypaw anywhere?"

"No." Hollypaw replied. "I thought she went hunting with you."

Wolfpaw shuffled anxiously on his paws. "She did, but she never came back to our meeting place. I waited for a long time and she never showed up. I thought that maybe she had already gone back to camp"

"She didn't. Let's tell Antstar." Hollypaw suggested. "She could be in trouble."

Wolfpaw nodded and looked arpund for the black tom. He found him sitting by his den with Dewspark and Wolfpaw's father, Pikestorm. He ran over, his anxiety growing.

"Antstar," he mewed. "Jaypaw went hunting with me and she hasn't come back yet. I think she might be missing. She's been gone for awhile now."

Antstar looked around, realizing Wolfpaw was right. "That is odd. Where was she hunting?"

"I was hunting by the lake." Wolfpaw explained. "She went to out border with ThunderClan. She was going to hunt near there."

Antstar nodded and leapt onto the Pinebranch. The clan noticed and proceeded to gather. "We have an emergency. Wolfpaw has reported that Jaypaw is missing." Antstar began.

Wolfpaw looked around. Many of his clanmates' eyes flashed with concern while some showed confusion. A few cats looked around the camp as if they were just noticing that the blue gray apprentice was no where in sight. Wolfpaw shuffled on his paws. Oh Jaypaw, where are you? I hope you're okay.

"Jaggedeye, Littletooth, Heatherberry," Antstar continued. "I want you three to go the ThunderClan border and see if you can find her. Check some neighboring areas."

The three warriors nodded and bolted out the thorn tunnel. Wolfpaw watched them leave and hoped that when they came back....Jaypaw would be with them.



Wolfpaw looked up from where he had been laying.  The sun was beginning to set and the moon slowly began to rise. Jaggedeye's patrol had returned.....without Jaypaw. They didn't find her. Antstar and Dewspark approached them.

"Well?" Antstar asked.

"We looked by the border. We didn't find Jaypaw but we did find blood." Jaggedeye reported.

Wolfpaw's fur fluffed with fear. Blood?!

"We don't know if it's hers. We check the While territory." Jaggedeye continued. "We didn't find her anywhere. There was no trace of her."

Antstar nodded. "It's getting late. We'll continue our search at dawn."

The leader turned and headed to his den. The rest of the clan filed to their den for the night. A overcast of worry and sadness had placed itself over the camp. Wolfpaw curled up on his nest, a sickening feeling in his stomach. He wrapped his tail around himself, attempting to fall asleep. But he couldn't. His heart was beating faster than a rabbit in the moorland.

Where was Jaypaw?

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