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(Cat above is Batpaw)

Wolfpaw sat excitedly out in the forest. Today he, Owlpaw, Batpaw, and Jaypaw were doing their warrior assessments. The sat waiting patiently as their mentors discussed what they would be assigned to do.

"Alright." Dewspark began, turning to fave the four young cats. "Here's your assessment: you must each catch five pieces of prey and bring them to your mentors. Once all four of you are back, you'll be paired up and will demonstrate your battle moves. Understood?"

The four apprentices nodded. Dewspark looked back at the other mentors and once he knew they were ready as well, he gave the call. "Start!"

Wolfpaw immediately descend into the bushes, going in an opposite direction from the others. He halted in his tracks and opened his mouth to taste the air. He picked up the scent of vole and stalked the ground until he came across the small rodent. He waites for the right moment and spang, killing the vole with a swift bite to the neck. He repeated his process four more times. Wolfpaw trotted proudly back to Stormleap with two voles, a squirrel, and two black birds in his jaws.

"Good job, Wolfpaw." Stormleap praised.

Wolfpaw, being the first back, waited with the mentors. After several minutes, the other three apprentices appeared with their catches.

"Now that we're all back," Dewspark began. "We'll pair you four up. Owlpaw and Jaypaw will be partners and Batpaw and Wolfpaw will be partners."

The apprentices nodded and went and stood by their partners. Owlpaw and Jaypaw went first, both demonstrating excellent battle skills. Wolfpaw watched Jaypaw battle his sister, admiring that her time in the medicine den hadn't taken away her skills and strength.

"Good job, you two." Icestep mewed.

"Wolfpaw, Batpaw, you're up." Stormleap instructed.

Wolfpaw and Batpaw rose from their spots and padded out to stand across from each other. Anxiety and excitement rippled throughout Wolfpaw's body. If he did well, he would pass his assessment. Batpaw was a good opponent for him. Wolfpaw's shadow-fuures brother was an excellent fighter.

"Begin!" Dewspark called.

Wolfpaw immediately sprang forward, landing a little ways behind Batpaw. Batpaw looked behind him, confused by the move. Thanks for the move, Darkstar. Wolfpaw used his hindlegs to sweep his brother's legs our from under him. Before Wolfpaw could pin him down, Batpaw rolled onto his paws, throwing Wolfpaw off balance and onto the forest floor. Batpaw leapt and dug his sheathed paws into his brother's shoulders. Wolfpaw weiggled free and swiped at Batpaw's muzzle, who dodged the attack.

"Enough!" Dewspark's mew interrupted them. "Excellent job, you two."

Wolfpaw and Batpaw looked at each other, triumphantly. Both were panting, but didn't care. Owlpaw and Jaypaw joined them, looking expectantly at their mentors.

"How did we do?" Owlpaw asked.

Dewspark shot a glance at the other mentors then back at the apprentices. "Antstar better be ready to come up with four new warrior names."

The four apprentices sprang to their paws, letting out caterwauls of excitement. The mentors just smiled amusingly and lead the way back to camp. When they arrived, Dewspark passed on the news to Antstar. The black pelted leader nodded in approval and leapt onto the Pinebranch.

"Let all cats gather beneath the Pinebranch for a clan meeting." He called.

Wolfpaw's whiskers twitched with anticipation. He was becoming a warrior! Alongside his siblings and best friend. Once the clan had gathered, Antstar leapt from the Pinebranch to stand in front of the four apprentices.

"The time has come for ShadowClan to welcome four new warriors." He announced. "These four apprenticess have passed their warrior assessments and it's time they took their place in this clan as warriors."

He padded to stand in front of Owlpaw and lifted his muzzle to the sky. "I, Antstar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. Se has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend hed to you as a warrior in his turn." He fixed his yellow gaze on Owlpaw. "Owlpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Owlpaw 's voice was steady as she meowed, "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Owlpaw, from this moment you will be known as Owlfeather. StarClan honors your kindness and your intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan."

When finished speaking Antstar stepped up to Owlfeather and rested his muzzle on her bowed head. Owlfeather licked his shoulder respectfully, then walked over to stand amongst the other warriros.

Anstar moved on to Batpaw. "Batpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Batpaw voice rang loud and clear. "I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Batpaw, from this moment you will be known as Batwing. StarClan honors your strength and your dedication, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan."

Just as he did before, Antstar rested his muzzle on Batwing's head. Batwing licked his leader's should then stepped back to stand beside his sister. Antstar turnes to Jaypaw.

"Jaypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?" He asked.

Jaypaw raised her head proudly. "I do."

Antstar nodded with approval. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Jaypaw, from this moment you will be known as Jayshine. StarClan honors your determination and your loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan."

Wolfpaw looked around at the clan as Antstar rested his muzzle on Jayshine's head. An overwhelming sense of pride and happiness filled the clearing. Jayshine had once been claimed as dead, and now here she was becoming a warrior.

Wolfpaw snapped out of his thoughts as Antstar stood before him. " Wolfpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Wolfpaw replied, giving a curt nod.

Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Wolfpas, from this moment you will be known as Wolfstorm. StarClan honors your determination and your strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan."

Wolfstorm lowered his head, pride swelling in his chest. He stepped forward and licked Antstar's shoulder then stepped back to join his fellow new warriors.

"Owlfeather! Batwing! Jayshine! Wolfstorm!"

The clan welcome the four new warriors by their names. Wolfstorm smiled at his three companions. They had done it! He had done it!

Thank you, Stoneclaw. Thank you, Darkstar.

Wolfpaw puffed out his chest proudly. He was a warrior. His ears twitched as his new name rang throughout the clearing.


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