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(Cat above is Pikestorm; yes, it's the same photo I used for Wolfstar)

Wolfpaw sat in the clearing and watched the hunting patrols leave through the thorn tunnel. The dark gray tom glanced around, anxiously. A couple of days had passed since the strange voice had spoken to him. It had replayed over and over in his mind, causing him to once again become distracted from his duties. He had thought about the pair of amber eyes that were watching him that day. Who would've been watching me? He thought of his clanmates whose eyes were amber; Antstar, Torntail, Leaffall, Pikestorm, Jumpbriar, Cricketleap, Maplepaw, and Pinepaw. Pinepaw and Maplepaw wouldn't have a reason to watch me. I don't think Antstar and the other warriors would either. so, who was watching me?

Suddenly he froze. Right in front of him were the eyes. The same eyes that had been nesting in the back of his mind ever since their first encounter. They had formed into two small slits as if they were trying to look right through him. Wolfpaw rose to his paws and slowly began walking towards them.

Do you trust them?

Wolfpaw continued as if he had lost control of his paws.

How about us? Do you trust us?

Wolfpaw slowly turned his head to one side.

We wouldn't lie to you.

He kept going and going until-


Wolfpaw came to a halt when he heard his father's voice behind him. He turned to face Pikestorm as he padded over to him. The older dark gray and white tom's eyes were shaded by concern. Wolfpaw turned away not wanting to meet his father's gaze.

"You were about to walk into the bramble wall. Are you okay?" Pikestorm asked.

Wolfpaw tried his best to smile. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Ivybreeze and I have been worried about you lately." Pikestorm mewed. "You don't seem like yourself."

Wolfpaw felt his fur heat up. He had tried to hide the fact that he was hearing strange voices and seeing disappearing and reappearing eyes. Was it really noticeable? Was he not covering it up well enough? What is wrong with me?

Wolfpaw nodded. "I'm fine. I guess I'm still grieving for Jaypaw."

Pikestorm smiled and sat down by Wolfpaw and place his tail comfortingly over his son's back. "I know it's hard. I probably grieved for half a moon when my mother died. Maybe another half moon when my father died. Time will come when your grief will pass. Remind yourself that Jaypaw's in StarClan. You'll see her again one day. We'll all see our ancestors one day. We still face trials and tribulations here. Jaypaw's at peace."

Wolfpaw smiled, his fur lying flat as he pressed himself against his father as if her were still a kit in the nursery. His father was known to be a wise and comforting cat. His clanmates would often go to him for advice if Rainfeather wasn't available.

Wolfpaw looked up at his father. "Thanks, Pikestorm."

Pikestorm smiled and licked Wolfpaw between his ears. "Any time. Remember if you ever want to talk, Ivybreeze and I are ready to listen. And I know Batpaw and Owlpaw are too."

Wolfpaw smiled. He often thanked StarClan for the family he had. They had his back and he had theirs.
Pikestorm turned and padded off. Wolfpaw watched him leave then turned to look behind him. The eyes were gone and so were Wolfpaw's worries. Why is this happening? Why is it just happening to me? None of my clanmate have reported hearing strange voices and disappearing and reappearing eyes.

Shaking off his nerves, Wolfpaw turned and slipped into the apprentices' den. He curled up in his nest, hoping that a little bit of sleep would ease his mind.



Wolfpaw awoke and stumbled out into the clearing on tired paws. He opened his jaws and wide yawn. His nap was short but he did feel slightly better. He looked around noticed all the patrols had returned and the fresh kill pile was well stocked. His clanmates were laying about, sharing tongues or just enjoying the warm weather. Rainfeather and Pinepaw had returned from herb gathering. Sparrowleap sat outside the nursery and watched her kits play.

He smiled at how peaceful his clan was. For once, any thought about stange voices or eyes hadn't crossed Wolfpaw's mind. Maybe they're gone.
He sat down began to groom his fur. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a brown and black shape slip through the thorn tunnel. At first he thought it was Frogleap but upon further inspection, Wolfpaw realized it was Whiskerfall, a ThunderClan warrior. Behind him came a yellow cat with thick black stripes who Wolfpaw recognized as Beestripe. 

Wolfpaw's eyes widened. His whiskers twitched with joy and excitement. He quickly rose to his paws. Laying on Beestripe's back...

Was Jaypaw.

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