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(Cat above is Havenstar)

Wolfstorm grunted as he adjusted his grip on the prey he carried. A moon had past since his last meeting with Tigerstar. He looked over at Nettlessash, who carried his own prey. The two of them along with Maplefrost and Toadleap had continued to train with their ancestors. The would wake with less scratches but would wake up sore. This will all pay off......once I'm leader. He had told them of his desire to be leader. He had their support and they i formed that they'd do whatever it took to help him get there.

As the grey and white tom pulled his way through the thorn tunnel, he felt a pair of eyes rest on him. He spotted Dewspark looking at him but noticed then that the deputy was looking, scanning the clearing, to see every warrior. Wolfstorm followed Nettlesplash to the fresh kill pile then over to where Jayshine rested by the warriors' den.

"What's wrong with Dewspark?" Nettlesplash asked her

"I'm not sure." The young she cat replied. "Neither he or Antstar have said anything."

The two toms nodded then lyed down next to her. An eerie silence filled the forest. No wind, no birds, no sound from the lake. The sun had been coved by clouds, casting a dark shadow over the camp.


Rain slowly came.


Wolfstorm staggered to his paws, as a wave of Riverclan cats came barreling through the side of their camp. He threw himself at the nearest warrior, a dark gray tabby tom. Through his fight with the RiverClan tom, looked around at the battle. His clanmates battled with RiverClan warriors and apprentices. He spotted his friends, Batwing and Owlfeather, Jayshine. All of them bleeding from their own fights.

Wolfstorm grunted as the dark gray tabby swiped at his head, sending blood into his eyes. Wolfstorm shook his head, attempting to regain his sight. In his flailing, he swiped a paw at the RiverClan warrior, attempting to het him off him long enough that be can wipe the blood away from his eyes. He felt his claws hit the tom, but no other attacks came. The camp was silent again, rain poring around them.

"Wolfstorm, are you okay?" Nettlesplash asked.

"Yeah." Wolfstorm answered, wiping the bllod from his eyes. "What's going on?"

"RiverClan left." Neetlesplash mewed. "You killed that tom you fighting. He slashed his throat."

Wolfstorm blinked, blood still around and in his eyes but enough gone that he could see. He could see Antstar approaching him.

"You killed one of their warriors?" He asked.

"Yes, but it was accident." Wolfstorm explained. "I couldn't see. There was blood in my eyes"

"It's true." Nettlesplash chimed. "I saw it happened."

Antstar nodded. "Make sure at some point you head to the lake and wash there rest of the blood out."

Wolfstorm nodded. He looked towards the thorn tunnle. He couldn't help but think about the tom. Thought his death was an accident, it sill felt...good. Wolfstorm looked down at his paws. The feeling of his claws slashing the tom's throat was burned into his mind.

Who knew killing would feel good?


A wail startled Wolfstorm out of his thoughts. The clan looked towards the sound of the cry. Bristlepaw was crouched over Thornpaw and Sweetpaw's bodies. Both of the young cats bodies were blood soaked and motionless. Timberthorn and Sparrowleap ran to thwir daughter,  their other kits Brindlepelt and Flowerstem behind them.

"My kits." Sparrowleap whispered. "My poor kits."

Rainfeather bent down and examined both apprentices. "Will they be okay?" Bristlepaw asked.

Rainfeather sat up and gently laid her tail across the young she cat's back. "I'm afraid not. They hunt with StarClan now."

"No!" Bristlepaw wailed agin, leaping over her siblings and running to her parents. Timberthorn and Sparrowleap bent down and comforted their remaining kit.

Antstar approached the two apprentices and pressed his nose into their fur. "You two would have made fine warriors. Farewell, Thornpaw. Farewell, Sweetpaw. May you find good hunting, swift running, and shelter when you sleep." He turned to the elders. "We will bury them in the morning. Let's let Timberthorn, Sparrowleap, Flowerstem, Brindlepelt and Bristlepaw spend one last night with them."

Antstar flicked his tail and the clan began filing to their dens. Timberthorn, Sparrowleap, Flowerstem, Brindlepelt and Bristlepaw curled up in the clearing beside Thornpaw and Sweetpaw's bodies. Wolfstorm followed Nettlesplash to the warriors' den. He curled up in his nest, wrapping his tail comfortably around himself.  He let out a low growl, the end of his tail twitching irritability. Two of his clan's apprentices had died innocently. That RiverClan tom deserved to die! It was his clan's fault. It was Havenstar's fault. 

He knew Antstar wouldn't act revenge. That's how he was. He'd rather talk things out. Come to agreements, with words instead of claws.

RiverClan will pay. ShadowClan will be feared by every single living thing that calls these territories home! And they will be under my command.

Antstar makes us soft.

He's weak. Foolish. A coward.

But I'm not.

Antstar is....but Wolfstar's not!

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