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(Cat above is Darkstar)

Wolfpaw sighed as his finished cleaning the last of the elders' nests. His final day of his punishment had finally arrived. He rolled the old bedding into a neat pile, ready to be discarded of.

"Thank you, Wolfpaw." Molespeck mewed. "You better hurry off to the nursery to see if the queens' need you."

Wolfpaw nodded and picked up the pile of bedding. "Right. Call me if you need anything."

As Wolfpaw slipped out of the nursery, he spotted Owlpaw and Batpaw approaching with fresh kill dangling from their jaws. Their fur was unkempt, letting Wolfpaw to assume they had just come back from training.

"We thought you might be hungry." Owlpaw meowed.

"Want to come eat with us?" Batpaw asked.

"Sure. I'll be there in a moment. I have to get rid off this bedding then check on the queens." Wolfpaw answered.

Owlpaw and Batpaw nodded and headed off to the apprentices' den. Wolfpaw slipped through the thorn tunnel and into the forest. He quickly disposed of the old bedding and raced back to camp as fast as he could. When he return, he immediately made his way to the nursery.

"Look, it's Wolfpaw!" Sparrowleap's eldest, Thornkit squeaked.

"Hi, Thornkit." Wolfpaw greeted the young kit. "Do you need anything, Sparrowleap?"

"I'm fine, Wolfpaw. Thank you." The golden tortuqueen mewed.

"What about you, Poppynight?" Wolfpaw asked the clan's newest queen.

A few nights ago, Poppynight had announced she was expecting Goldenblaze's kits. The clan had rejoiced since Sparrowleap's kits wers the only ones and would soon be made apprentices.

"I'm alright. Thank you." Poppynight mewed.

Wolfpaw nodded and slipped out of the nursery. He bounded over to the apprentices' den where Batpaw and Owlpaw were waiting. When he arrived, Owlpaw pushed a plump mouse toward him.

"How was traing?" Wolfpaw asked, taking a bite of his mouse.

"It was fine." Owlpaw mewed. "We just reviewed battle moves and hunted."

"Dewspark said our warrior assessments aren't far away." Batpaw meowed.

"Who's?" Wolfpaw asked.

"Ours and Jaypaw's" Batpaw explained.

Wolfpaw nodded and swallowed the last of his mouse. "Thanks for the mouse. I'd better go see if Antstar and Dewspark need me to do amything else."

He got up and headed to Antstar's den. As he padded across the clearing, Toadpaw, Nettlepaw, and Maplepaw came running up to him.

"Is it true you attacked Pebbletail?" Nettlepaw asked.

Wolfpaw nodded"Yes. Why?"

"He's one of RiverClan's strongest warriors." Maplepaw replied.

"I bet you used that move you made up." Toadpaw added. "The one you used on me."

"I didn't make the move." Wolfpaw objected.

"Then who did?" Nettlepaw asked.

Wolfpaw ran his claws Aceable the ground. "Our ancestors."

Toadpaw's eyes widened. "Our ancestors?"

"Yes." Wolfpaw mewed. "An old leader of ShadowClan named Darkstar has been traing me. He's making me into a stronger warrior."

"Wow!" Nettlepaw exclaimed. "Do you think he can train us too?"

"Sure." Wolfpaw agreed. "We can mmet him tonight when we sleep."

The three apprentices cheered as a smile crept onto Wolfpaw's face.

If Darkstar can make me a strong warrior, he can make my friends steong warriors too.




That night as the clan retired to their dens foe the night, Wolfpaw curlwd up in his nest, ready to take his friends to meet Darkstar.

When he opened his eyes again, he was once agian in the shadowy forest. He looked around for Nettlepaw, Toadpaw, and Maplepaw. He spotted them a little way away, looking around in awe of their surroundings.

"This is where you've been traing?!" Toadpaw gasped.

"Yes." Darkstar's low mew sound from behind the four apprentices. The black tom approached them, a satisfied smile plaster across his muzzle.

"Darkstar, these are my friends. Ne-" Wolfpaw began.

"Nettlepaw, Maplepaw, and Toadpaw." Darkstar interrupted. "I know."

"You know our names?" Toadpaw mewed.

"Of course I do." Darkstar meowd. "I'm your ancestor after all."

"Can you really make us into Stronger warriors?" Nettlepaw asked.

"If you're wling to go through much more intense training, " Darkstar replied. " then I'd be more than happy to train you three."

"We can handle it." Maplepaw mewed. "We won't let you down!"

Darkstar laughed, his razor-like teeth bared.

"I know you won't."

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