Chapter 12

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No one was on their phone. It was just a crowded hallway with people rushing past her and talking.
Elena shoved her phone in her bag and began to follow Stefan.
"Stefan" Elena called as she used her hand to push people out the way.
"Look, it's the girl who saw Matt last before she died"
"Maybe she killed him, hahaha"
The voices of her schoolmates were drilling negativity into her soul. She roared past them trying to block out their harsh voices.
"Stefan!" she called again as she pulled his arm to face her. With the anger inside of her, she had the strenglth to pull him around.
"What" he said back not gaining eye contact and looking around.
"Stefan, what exaclty did you see that night"
"Elena, what did I just tell you"
"I dont care if the public hears"
"Don't talk about it"
Elena had enough. She dragged Stefan outside of the crowded hall way and pointed for him to sit on the outside bench.
He obeyed.
"What did you see" she continued the conversation with a growl.
Stefan didn't answer.
"Stefan! Look if you are sending me creepy text messages just stop! You know what happened that night so just keep it to yourself" she blurted out with fury in her eyes.
Stefan didn't answer.
"Answer me"
Stefan didn't answer.
"Fine. I am sick of your stupid games anyway. What ever game you are playing you just played a really dick move!" Elena yelled as she jumped up and stormed off.
She brushed past people in the hallways ignoring their snarky comments.
"Hey" Bonnie said realising Elena was face to face with her in the busy hallway.
"Hey I need to talk to you" Elena said softly pulling Bonnie along to biology class.
" I already know Elena" Bonnie said quiety letting a tear stream down her face. "Caroline told me about Matt this morning and my parents called to ask if I was okay"
That was it. Bonnie broke down.
Her tears spread down like a waterful, literally. She couldn't keep it in. People from corners came to see if she was alright. Before Elena knew it the crowd has just swarmed her away from Bonnie.
"Seriously Elena do you have to cause every sad scene?" one girl said in a snarky voice.
Elena continued her walk to class I will see Bonnie at the dorms anyway Elena thought as she walked off by herself.
"Elena!" Caroline said rushing towards her with her new boyfriend clinged around her waist.
"Hey Caroline and Tyler. Are you two a thing now? Hahah" Elena said smiling at the happy couple.
"Yeah he asked me out yesterday night but you were in too much of a wreck so..." Caroline said blushing as Tyler tickled her stomach.
"Yeah sorry about Matt" Tyler added.
"Yeah well I have to go" Caroline said as her eyes started to water up from the mention of 'Matt'. She left Tylers embrace and began walking to class.
"Bye love" he called to her as she blew an air kiss.
"You two are adorable" Elena said flirtaiously giggling as she walked closer towards him.
What am I doing? Elena thought to herself.
"I am kinda jealous of Caroline with you" Elena smitted as she bit her lip and played with her hair.
"Hahaha, thanks..." Tyler said patting Elena on the shoulder.
Plan engaged Elenas mind said smirking. He is really hot.
Elena tripped herself over on an imaginary un pavered floor board.
"I am so sorry! " Elena said falling onto Tyler. They fell flat on the floor with Elena on top of him.
"Haha it is all good" Tyler managed to say as he moved his hand that was rested down Elenas back during the fall.
"I am such a clutz" Elena said curling her hair behind her ear and sitting on his chest with her legs on either side of him.
Tyler lay on the floor stunned as he blushed at Elenas behavouir.
"Get up you lovers" Mr. Baldman shouted as he walked past Elena and Tyler.
The crowd laughed and helped Elena and Tyler up.
"Sorry Tyler I have no idea what made me fall" Elena said slowly as she rested her hand on his chest and then strutted away.
Ohh he is a hottie Elena said cliching her teeth.
The crowd then surronded her. Following her to her next class they swamed around her asking her actually good questions about her hair or her clothes.
Elena sighed, no mention of the name that started with 'M' made her feel relaxed.
Elena hopped in the shower and got ready for her so called 'date' with Damon.
"I don't understand" Bonnie said yawning as Elena was searching through her closet.
"Stefan, he is just acting so werid Bonnie. I think he's not telling me something" Elena replied dragging multiple clothes to her in the mirror.
"Well I have been trying my grimmore magic" Bonnie said lighting up.
"Hows that going for you" Elena said laughing.
"Not so good. Gran said I will have my spark one day."
"You will Bon. Have you done my batch of blodon yet"
"No. It's hard to make blodon! It's blood that fills a vampires hunger %75 more then it should! I will soon Elena it just takes time. Don't finish your batch so soon. You just wait until I get my powers, I won't have to phyisically make it" Bonnie said nodding to Elenas outfit.
Her outfit was a short lacy orange casual dress. She wore it will a thick gold necklace and her black lacy branded heels. Elena did her make-up making herself look brighter and more like she was twenty instead of 18.
"All good Bon Bon?" Elena said giving Bonnie a twirl of her outfit.
"Hotty right here" Bonnie said smiling.
"Thanks babe. Make sure that when Caroline comes back she spills all the details about her date with Tyler!" Elena said blowing a kiss to Bonnie and exiting the dorm.
Elena closed her eyes as a big breeze of air swept across her face.
I can do this. Just get Damon to fall in love me easy!
Elena called for a taxi and found herself at the grill in no time.
"Damon" Elena called as she entered the grill and rushed towards his table at the grill. She came to his seat and bent down behind him and pecked him on the check.
Opps, too soon.

She said down in the seat across from him.
"Elena" he replied with a really confused look in his eye.
"It's just that I missed you" Elena replied smiling brightly.
"You kissed me on the check because you missed me?"
"Uh yes. This is why we are meeting today. You have a lot to learn. First of all we kiss on the check. It's like a greeting that we are great friends. It's a college tradition... "
"Like in the morning Stefan kissed you it was because you were friends, not because you guys are together?"
"Oh Stefan. Right. Yeah just friends..." Elena said looking at her feet. She was lying again. She really liked Stefan but Damon needed to fall for her.
"Okay. What do you want to eat"
"Oh I ate earlier" Elena said looking at the menu and then at Damon with a cute smile.
"Wait have you eaten?"
"No but I am not even that hungry, dont worry" he said smiling and placing the menu down.
"Lets go to the sofas over there" Elena said pointing to a room that was part of the grill were couples were talking.
He ended up following her as Elena grabbed his hand to lead him there. She felt him tingle with the touch of her hand.
"So Damon do you find me attractive?" Elena said rasing her eyebrows with a smile.
"Oh I don't really want to answer"
Elena concentrated on his eyes and began to compell him.
"I said, do you find me attractive"
"I just told you I don't want to answer you haha" Damon replied with confusion in his voice.
What! Vampires can compell anyone, well unless the person they are compelling is vampire themselves...

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