Chapter 23: Missing Pieces

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Arms crossed over his chest Leo... No Squall, leaned against his parties jeep as he eyed the vast nothing of road. A few hours had passed and he was becoming anxious. They would have to move again soon, they did not go far from the other town, it was easy to narrow down where they went... But he didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to meet those who seemed to know him.

"Squall," Sephiroth called to him. "How long till you think your acquaintances will return. Are you sure they are not, false? You are without your memories."

Zack made a whinnying sound just as Squall moved to glare at Sephiroth. "Oh leave Leo alone! Those guys didn't seem bad."

Sephiroth seemed to frown, looking to Zack somewhat bothered. "His name is Squall, now. Remember it since he might fail too. And, those people seemed to recognize me, and in a hostile manner might I add."

Zack rolled his eyes, kicking his feet up on the jeep dash. "Yeah, I know that's his name. But it just doesn't stick like Leo. Also, yeah, they did. But I think they might have recognized me as well... It was kind of... Fishy? I guess."

Sephiroth. "My point exactly."

Squall glared at the two in the car a moment more before mumbling a "whatever," resting back so to lay against the car when he heard a mec engine.

Perking up at the sound, he stood upright, eyes squinted at the road when he saw a motorcycle? It was probably just a normal traveler... Or so he briefly thought when he noticed those blonde spikes!?

Body moving on its own, Squall walked away from the jeep and towards the road as the mec neared. Blue eyes burned towards him, locked on as the blonde parked the mec and jumped off, tossing his goggles aside.

Squall didn't know what he felt or thought as time seemed to slow down. Everything felt fuzzy suddenly, and all he could do was watch as the blonde ahead marched towards him, determined.

The brunet flinched when the blonde got close and twitched when arms pulled him at his waist to flush him against the slightly broader blonde. The man was only a few centimeters below him, their eyes nearly leveled. Squall watched as glowing blue eyes glared at him, the man unknown to him growling lowly when suddenly. Lips met his own!?

Silvery eyes bulged wide at the shock, the sound of a gasp a bit away heard and registered for only a moment when the blonde pulled him even closer. Squall only thought of pushing the other off for merely a second when the other's heat began to seep into his all too chilled body, the icy core from within smothered by that heat as comfort and an odd peace he could not quite remember took over.

Silver eyes slowly shut as he melted within the other's arms, his hands weakly grasping at the biceps around his waist.

The kiss ended slowly, blue glowing eyes locked back onto the silver ahead, settling into an enraged glare as he squeezed Squall tighter. "Don't you dare sacrifice yourself like that again! I swear... You should have waited for us. You could have died." The blonde shouted at him, and Squall could only blink.

Squall, "Cloud..." He whispered, testing the name. "Your name is, Cloud? Isn't it?"

The blonde pulled away, brows furrowed. "What do you..?"

"He has amnesia, Cloud. By the way, nice to see you again." Zack called out, making both swerve to stare at him.

Sephiroth was standing just beside the noirnet now, his arms crossed as he watched the two younger men, a slightly smug smirk on his face. "Yeah... But, It seems that even despite that factor, he can remember his lover."

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