Faking In Love - Jacob Whitesides

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Karlie's POV:

We finally came back from our honeymoon and I was relieved to be back, I could go back to work and just get away from everything.

I had thought of Taylor more than I should have and I could see that Josh knew something was wrong but he's a decent guy and won't bother me to talk about it if I didn't want to.

I went to get some fresh organic food for our dinner, when I saw Taylor in the store and I ducked behind the isle,trying to avoid her and it worked really well because soon enough she was out of the shop and I blew out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in.

I returned home and started dinner,settling on a vegetarian lasagna since Josh really liked lasagna and it was the easiest to prepare.

I put on some music and started dancing with half a glass of wine,when I heard a knock on the door followed by one of the security members yelling.

Taylor's POV:

I saw Karlie at the store but I saw her hiding,I didn't want to talk to her now, I needed to work out what I wanted to say before I confronted her. I wanted to know why everything ended so suddenly and why I wasn't invited to her wedding,we were so close and she just forgot about us , about me and it hurt,more than I'd like to admit.

So I gathered my things,grabbed my keys and charged out of the door with a confused Olivia staring at me from the couch.

The drove to Karlie's house was silent,that way nothing could cloud my judgement and nothing would distract me from the dialogue that I created in my mind.

I got there but the guard wouldn't let me through,so I parked my car around the corner and climbed their wall,seriously hoping the electric fence was off and thank goodness it was.

I sprinted across the grass and the guard saw me,chasing after me but I reached the door before he could stop me and I banged on that door like my life depended on it.

"Stop miss! Mr Joshua told me that you're not welcome here,you need to leave!" But I just kept banging and the door flung open and before me stood Karlie. My Karlie,the girl that never cease to make my heart jump.

"I just want to know one thing,were you faking being in love with me?" Those were the only words that came out of my mouth,the complete opposite of what I had practiced.

She stood there shocked,I turned to look at the guard and his jaw was dropped in shock, if it hung any lower, it would've hit the ground.

"It's okay,she can come in, it's fine,thank you"

She let me into her house and had me sat on the couch,softly snickering at the stunt I just pulled.

"You know,you can be really glad that Josh hadn't gotten his Rottweilers yet,we talked about getting two and if they had been here,you could've kisses those 40 million dollar legs goodbye!" She laughed at my facial expression,which was unimpressed to say the least.

"So what are you doing here Taylor?"

Just hearing her say my name like that,kind of hurt and I felt myself slumping into the couch.

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