I Just Thought You Should Know - Betty Who

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Karlie's POV:

I saw Taylor's text but I couldn't answer her. It hurt too much.

" Karlie,what's going on,why do you lately always seem so sad?"

"It's nothing, I just miss my family,that is all"

He knew I was lying because I don't get along with my family after my relationship with Taylor.

" Well fine,if you don't want to talk about it, I guess it's fine but I'm not going to ask again so this was your last chance to talk about it" he looked at me in an angry manner and I kind of felt scared for once.

" Fine, thanks anyway." I just stood up from the couch and left for my closet.

I heard the front door slam shut and heard Josh's car leave and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

I picked out an outfit and took my car keys and left to go dancing in a club.

Soon enough I got into the club and ordered a drink.

" Is that all miss?"
" Can I have 3 more shots please and a double whiskey on the rocks "

I got 3 more shots and downed them right there, sucking through my teeth at how strong they were.

I took my whiskey and left for the dance floor.

Dance Monkey was playing and even though I didn't like the song that much, the alcohol helped me get into the mood of the song.

A few guys came up to dance with me but I shot them down by subtly showing my wedding ring. I wasn't thinking of my wedding ring belonging to Joshua but rather me belonging to Taylor and I knew I messed up big time.

It was time for a few more drinks to hush my mind from all my errors.

"Ma'am , I think that is enough for tonight, you are really drunk and policy states that when we see a customer is completely wasted, to stop serving them alcohol" he was sweet about it and I respected his wishes.

"Do you maybe have something to eat?" I slightly slurred.

" Yes ma'am, we have some fries and hamburgers if you would like, then you can settle your tab?"

" Yeah,that sounds good, I hope the burger is vegetarian?"

"If you prefer it vegetarian, I'll let the chef know ma'am,no problem"

And so I sat down at a booth and had a burger and fries, sobering up a bit but still not enough to drive home. I paid my tab and called an Uber.

I got out and saw that I was standing outside Taylor's apartment. I was drunk and I felt nauseous. I ran to a bin and threw up,just as Taylor got out of the door. It was awkward making eye contact with her while throwing up.

She just took my arm and led me to the elevator to her apartment.

" Why would you be drunk and throwing up at 3 am in the morning Karlie?"

She was mad and I flinched at the way she called me by my full name and not my nickname.

" Where are you going at 3 am in the morning?I miss you and I messed up really big, I'm sorry Tay"

"I'm sorry Karlie, it's a little too late for that, I love you and I guess I always will but you broke my heart one too many times, I'm moving to London. I already bought the house.I was going to get some more boxes for my stuff. I can't do this again. You won't leave Joshua and I am no one's second fiddle."

I saw her pick up her phone and called her driver and helped me downstairs, she asked him to accompany me to my house, gave the address and left.

I felt sad, the saddest I've ever felt.

" I'm sorry Taylor " was all I mumbled as I fell asleep for awhile.

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