Art Of Pretending - Brooke Williams

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Karlie's POV:

Taylor sent me a message, asking what I had planned for the day.

Obviously I didn't have much to do except clean a bit.

It wasn't much later that Taylor came over and made herself comfortable on our couch,while I was washing the dishes.

"How did you sleep?" she asked sweetly and came up behind me to kiss my cheek,while holding my hips.

"Well, I dreamt about someone special, I'm just glad she's mine"  I said sweetly and I could feel her smile against my cheek.

I finished the dishes and sat down on the couch with her. We watched reruns of Friends and I decided to lay down on her lap,soon enough she ran her fingers through my hair and I started getting drowsy.

I woke up to Taylor cooking dinner for me and her,as well as Josh.

" I can't just make food for us,can I, your husband needs to eat too" I kind of felt a twinge of pain at that statement.

"Yeah I guess" I said in a soft tone.

"So, did you have a nice nap?" She said avoiding the topic and I felt that she was purposely dodging the subject.

" I had a great nap, it was just a shame that when I woke up,you were gone.." I couldn't help but let my voice trail.

" Yeah, I got hungry and thought that you would like some food too so I made enough for everyone" she put emphasis on everyone and I couldn't take it anymore.

" Okay, what is wrong?" I was getting irritated by now because she didn't tell me what was nagging at her.

" I just wish we could be together." She stated in the wind, I guess she didn't want me to hear what she said but I did.

" But we are together Tay"

"No we are not, we've been romantic but we aren't together, as long as you are married to Josh, I'm still the side piece,second fiddle,second best, you can't have both, you either choose Josh or choose me, I can't keep quiet for much longer. My motto in life is to speak the truth and all I,we, have been doing is lie."

I knew that this moment would come soon,I just didn't know it would come so soon.

"Taylor, you know I love you, my parents won't accept me for loving you, I could lose my job, everything that I have worked for.." I said with a stray tear running down my cheek.

"You are a model Karlie, they look at you from another perspective,they don't care about your personal life and if they do, I will take care of  you"

" Taylor,you don't understand, I don't want to depend on anyone, I don't want you to spend so much money on me and take care of me as if I can't take care of myself, because I can!"

" I never said you couldn't take care of yourself Karlie and if you don't want to depend on anyone,what are you doing with Josh, because you married him because we couldn't be together, so technically you are depending on him to keep up your perfect little front that keeps leading everyone around the bush, if you don't want to leave Josh, even when you don't love or care for him, I can't keep doing this, it hurts too much"

With that whole speech she stood up,took her keys and left out the door,not even slamming it shut,just silently closing it,leaving me with my thoughts.

Taylor's POV:

When I got home, I turned on the radio to fill the silence and quiet my thoughts.

" I knew who you were from the start, I just hope you'd prove me wrong..."

It was a new song and I kind of liked the song, it was sad and matches my feelings.

"That was Butterflies by Gabbie Hannah" well now I can download the song on iTunes and listen to it on repeat, until I hated it.

I plugged in my headphones and listened to the song,the tears rolling down my face as I laid on my back,staring at the ceiling.

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