Is It Just Me - Emily Burns

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Joshua's POV

I am so irritated with Karlie,she keeps shrugging me off,she falls asleep without even talking to me nowadays.

I can't say that I miss how we were before because that wasn't great either. I can't deal with this loveless marriage anymore.

I went to work and had a nice cup of coffee that Mandy brought me.

Lately it feels like there could be something special between me and Mandy. She is really beautiful and she pays attention to me,asking how I am and how things between me and Karlie are.

I told her a few weeks ago that me and Karlie weren't doing so well. She just hugged me and held me.Then she kissed me and I kissed her back.

We flirt at times and we would sit together during lunch and just enjoy each other's company.

I've been lying to Karlie about hanging out with my friends, because I've been seeing Mandy behind her back.

I know it's wrong but Karlie doesn't love me anymore. I don't think she ever loved me.

I got back from work and Karlie asked me how my day was,which was strange,she hardly ever does that nowadays.

" my day was good thank you, so what's for dinner?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I was thinking we could go out to have dinner" she replied with a smile.

" okay,we could do that, you choose the place, I'll just go and get dressed, I see you're ready." She looked really beautiful.

"Yeah, I am, I already made us a reservation"
I took a quick shower and got dressed in chinos and a simple dress shirt and some leather shoes.

We got in the car and Karlie drove us to the restaurant,since I didn't know where it was.

We went inside and sat down. I saw Mandy sitting with her husband a few tables away and when we made eye contact, I smiled at her and she smiled at me.

Karlie saw that and got upset,leaving me right there in the restaurant. I wasn't that upset , just by the fact that she made such a scene.

Karlie's POV
I can't believe it, I planned a nice night out for us and now he is smiling lovingly at his secretary. I know what a loving smile is,since it is the exact same smile I would give Taylor.

I took an Uber home and took a shower and put on my pajamas,getting in bed but I could not sleep.

Not long after, Joshua got home but I didn't have the strength to fight with him.

I fell asleep after he got in bed and woke up awhile later when his phone's screen was lightning up, I checked to see what was going on and I saw Mandy had sent him a message with a picture.

" You looked really good tonight, maybe if you're still awake,you could come over and have a drink with me, I know your wife wouldn't care if you had drinks with 'friends'."

Attached was a picture of her in skimpy clothes and I was fuming.

I slept on the couch after that.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes,he had made me pancakes,vegan but still.

I wasn't hungry and I was ready to fight. I was done.

" You know what, Mandy can have you, I'm done!"
" Who is Mandy?" He was trying to playing dumb.

" That little... thing you were smiling last night, the one that you ditched me for 'drinks with friends' , your secretary. The one who sent you that disgusting picture last night. I don't even know how long this has been going on but I'm done!"

" Why would you go through my phone?! You have no right?!"

"You should maybe put a password on it if you don't want people to snoop you idiot!"

" I cheated, so what, it's not like you love me, I wonder at times if you ever loved me from the start!"

"You're right about one thing, I never loved you from the start and guess what, you are so dumb and self obsessed that you didn't even realized, I cheated too, I don't love you,never have,never will. I still love that person,right from the start."

"Wow, classy Karlie,really classy!" He yelled at me.
"I guess we are both cheaters, both got cheated and now both got caught but I can't do this anymore, I want a divorce." He was shocked and just stood up and left,slamming the door behind him, leaving me to my thoughts, as I sat there,sobbing.

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