Levee - Bo Baskoro

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Karlie's POV
I haven't heard from Taylor in about 3 weeks and it is killing me.

I can't bring myself to text her first but what can I do. Maybe pick up the phone I thought to myself.

Taylor's POV

I woke up from my phone ringing,Joe stirred next to me and I told him that it's okay, I will be back soon, I am just going to talk to my mom quickly.

" Hey mom,how are you?" I was happy my mom called me.
" Sweetie,are you sitting down?" She sounded concerned.

" No mom,why? What's wrong?"
"Sit down sweetie, I have some news,some bad news.."
" Okay mom, I'm sitting,what's wrong?"

" I have cancer, I didn't want to tell you, because you're half way around the world and you can't do anything but I wanted to tell you myself before it comes out and you hear it from someone else."

I sat quietly and didn't reply, I was trying to process the news but I couldn't utter a word.

" I'm coming mom, just give me awhile, I'll be there."

" Sweetie,don't, you can't fix this."
" I know mom but I can be there for you. I love you mom, you will get through this,we will get through this"
" I love you too babygirl. I see I can't change your mind, so I'll see you soon. Bye love"
"Bye mom"

I immediately ran to my room to get my things together and pack the necessary.

Halfway through, I just slumped down to the ground with my back against my closet and cried.

Joe sat down and wrapped his arms around me.

"What's wrong my love?"
" My mom,she,she has cancer" I said between sobs.
" I'm so sorry baby, what can I do to help you?"
" I need to go away for awhile, I don't know for how long but I need to be with my family"
" It's okay my love, take all the time you need, it's your family, I know how much they mean to you,would you like me to leave,that way you can pack?"

" Yes please, thank you for understanding"

He picked up my phone and called my driver to arrange a flight back to the states for me and got his things to go back home.

" Your flight leaves tomorrow morning at 3, you probably won't sleep much,that's why it's so early,that way you can sleep a bit on the plane until you get back home, I love you darling. Good luck, let me know when you get back home."

"I love you too,thank you for helping me." I kissed him and he went out the door.

I was soon finished packing and it was already 2am and I got Benjamin,Meredith and Olivia in their carriers.

I missed my family but I also don't want to go back to home, because then Karlie will be closer to me.

I'm not going to tell her that my mom has cancer. I just want to deal with this alone for awhile.

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