Why - Shawn Mendes

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Karlie's POV

It was really early when my phone started ringing and I dreaded the call because it was my mother.

" Karlie ,what is this nonsense about divorce, you can't divorce Joshua, we have an image to uphold!"

I was fuming.

" The only image I am concerned about is my own, my marriage is no bumper sticker to you! I am tired of keeping this up! You wouldn't allow me to date Taylor and then had me married off to Joshua and for what?! I'll tell you why... you don't want your precious little church group to say 'oh poor thing, her little girl turned to the devil and decided to live in sin,what if they all live in sin...' . You know what mother, I get to love whom I want and you don't get to rule my life anymore, I made my own career work, they don't care who I got to bed with, who I kiss after dinner or who holds me when I am sad but clearly you do! I am done with this conversation, either you accept that or you leave me alone!"

" We will disown you if you keep this up!"

" I don't need your money, I have my own, the same money that I worked my butt of for and you didn't lift a finger to help earn! Disown me, avoid me, even write me off as your daughter but just know,when you are done with me, I'm done with you and there will come a day that you need me, mark my words!"

She hung up the phone and I was glad that,that conversation is over.

I called Joshua to meet me at the lawyer's office and sign the divorce papers.

When we got there, he signed them all too happily.

He wanted to sell the house to split the money but I told him that I didn't want it, I just wanted the motorcycle and one car, he can keep the rest.

He was shocked that everything went to smoothly and honestly, I was grateful that it was finally over.

When I finally got back to my apartment,my phone rang once again.

It was my mother,wasn't the fight from this morning enough!

" What do you want mother?"

" Please stay and make things work between you and Joshua, he really loves you and I know you love him too"

" I already signed the divorce papers, it's over."

"You could get married again and forget that you ever divorced, please Karlie."

" Mom, that's the thing, I don't love him, I never have and never will, there's only one person that I've ever truly loved and I've lost her because of YOUR selfishness! I loved Taylor, no, I love you Taylor, I still do. Either you accept that or please don't call me again."

I hung up this time and put my phone down on my nightstand and fell on my bed with a heavy sigh.

I hope that is over now.

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