Part Three

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Casta hid herself away for a few decades tending her home, chatting with her father and learning a multitude of instruments, Emily had introduced her to muggle instruments and she found a love for them, particularly the violin and piano. The 1900s were busy, two world wars proved a lot of work for her father so she helped reap souls during the wars. In the 1940s they had a good laugh as they watched two of the greatest wizards of the time battle for the fabled elder wand, neither knowing it was already in the hands of death's daughter. Following the wars Casta traveled the world again, discovering that muggles really were quite brilliant. She also discovered marijuana in the 1960s and decided then and there that that shit was fantastic. She hightailed it back to her Haven in Mystic Falls and immediately incorporated it into her garden. She also took a small side trip to see the land she had grown up in. She hadn't been to Britain since the 1500s and was a bit disappointed that where had once been lush forests was a grimy little industrial waste called Cokeworth. As she wandered the town she came across a young boy hiding in the park shivering with bruises on his face. She never could abide child abuse, so she sat quietly next to the young lad. When he realized he had company he visibly started and started to move away. Casta very gently introduced herself and helped heal him. He was surprised "my mom has magic too but my dad won't let her use it to help me" Casta simply gave him a hug before quickly transfiguring him new boots and a coat. "Well young Severus, your mother may not be able to help you but I certainly can" she then gave him a bracelet telling him he only had to whisper her name while rubbing it and she would be there to help. The next few years Casta spent a lot of time shadow walking to Cokeworth to care for one young master Snape. He came to view her as a mother figure and best friend all in one, and when he met a young Lily Evans he couldn't help but be drawn in to the young witch as she was kind to him and had hair almost as glorious as Casta's. He never told a soul about his guardian angel, and she taught him lots of magic and how to protect his mind telling him, "a strong mind is our most powerful tool, so we mustn't let anyone in yes?"

As Severus grew and went off to Hogwarts his time spent with Casta diminished but he sent her an owl every month like clockwork and she would respond. He didn't tell her of the bullying or the harassment for many years and when he finally did it was too late. He had been marked by one of her families descendants. To say she was livid would be an understatement. When she found what Dumbledore had done to ensure his loyalty she was beyond furious. It took all of Severus's pleading to convince her not to retaliate. He knew what she could do for as he got older she told him the truth of herself when he questioned why she still looked so young. So she let sleeping dogs lie and stayed out of it.

 While Severus became no better than an indentured servant she once again retreated to her Haven in the forest of mystic falls. Severus would visit her on his holidays being the first person to ever be within her wards and laugh at how outrageous she could be. They would sit in her garden drinking beer and smoking her magically amplified marijuana discussing everything and just generally relaxing, in Severus's case, safe from prying eyes. When 1998 rolled around and Severus lay dying in the shrieking shack at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry Casta appeared from the shadows after the three adolescents disappeared. She took Severus in her arms and asked him if he'd like to live, he agreed so she quickly shadow walked to her Haven and set about saving his life. As she was working on him her father appeared. He offered Severus yet another life of servitude, but with a kind and fair master, he offered him the position as one of his furies, an angel of death as it were. Severus agreed and death took him to his domain to teach him their ways. Casta was ecstatic, the boy er well man, she considered a friend and son would be with her for eternity. 

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