Part Four

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Present Day (ish)

As they entered into the new millennium Casta began wandering the forest, she had always loved nature and it was beautiful in her chosen home. Her elves continued to keep an eye on Mystic Falls keeping her up to date on the happenings, she learned there was a new doppelganger and simply rolled her eyes knowing that trouble would soon follow. It always did with those. One afternoon sitting by a waterfall smoking her usual she heard the cracking of branches as someone stomped through the forest, she chose to ignore it. Then she heard a voice she'd not heard before, "oh I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was out here...what's your name I don't recognize you?" Turning she saw a young teen with sad eyes that reeled in her sarcasm "my name is Casta Peverell, and yours?" Sticking up her hand to shake his without moving from her spot in the grass. "Jeremy Gilbert" came the quiet reply as he plopped down next to her. Taking out his own joint and sparking it. They sat in Silence for a bit before Casta sparked up a second joint quietly offering it to the quiet boy with sad eyes next to her. He took the offered smoke, and was surprised when he toked it, "holy shit this stuff is amazing!" Laughing lightly Casta simply nodded saying "I know, grew it myself" Jeremy was impressed and curious to know the stunning red head by his side. She was older than him if not by much but her eyes held what seemed to be an ancient wisdom.

As they chatted, they really clicked. He told her of his parents passing and that he felt guilty for it but blamed his sister for their deaths. He told her of his sister who seemed awfully selfish and when he showed her a picture of them on screen she simply hmmmd in response recognizing the doppelganger, knowing she could not possibly be his true sister. She knew this because she had thoroughly researched one Katherine pierce a.k.a Katerina Petrova following her destruction of Mystic Falls. She knew she had a baby out of wedlock and that she had been on the run from the original family for centuries. As the evening sky fell Jeremy awkwardly asked for her number, saying "not in a creepy I want to bone you way, but you feel like a sister should, you let me vent and didn't judge me" then he chuckled lightly "plus your weed is phenomenal!" Thus began the friendship between Casta Peverell, daughter of death and one Jeremy Gilbert. Little did she know In a few short months his sister would bring two vampires into their lives that she was familiar with and honestly did not care for.

Casta continued to meet Jeremy and discovered she had found another friend. One night he talked her into going to a high school party arguing that his friend Vicky wanted to meet the girl who supplied him with such great smoke. He had shared some with her and she wouldn't give up until he told her where he got it. Once at the party she could feel it in the air, there were at least two vampires present. When she looked around she was startled to see Stefan Salvatore, then she saw who he was following like a lost puppy and couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course, the doppelganger. She met up with Jeremy and had a beer passing him a bag with more smoke in it, she had grown a special variety just for him laced with magical antidepressants because she was worried for his health. Same smoke, with a little extra something to help him out. She knew he had a crush on this Vicky character so after having a beer with him she told him she would be on her way, not wanting to run into any Salvatores for she knew where there was one, the other would swiftly follow. As she was was walking through the woods she felt his presence but did not see him so she simply whispered "welcome home Damon Salvatore" before vanishing in the shadows.

Damon was startled to hear a whisper on the wind of a voice that sounded so familiar yet he could not place it. He looked around seeing noone, shrugged his shoulders and continued on with his night. 

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