Part Seven

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As predicted, the Bennett witches bit off more than they could handle when dealing with the tomb. Sheila upon arriving home wrote a quick letter to her granddaughter explaining that she needed to read the Bennett diaries, not to share them with anyone under any circumstances, and to heed any warnings that came from lady Casta Peverell. That night she quietly passed in her sleep.

Casta sat in the comfort of her garden enjoying the quiet morning, her elves appeared and explained what had happened the night before and detailing that the tomb vampires were out and planning revenge. Sighing deeply Casta wondered why people couldn't just listen to her, but then again Damon fucking Salvatore was in the middle of everything looking for his precious Katherine. They could have asked Casta for help (not that she would have agreed, she supposed she could have told them that Katherine was never in the tomb to begin with although no one ever accused her of being nice) but she had not been seen since that day at the mystic grill by anyone other than Jeremy. When Damon had compelled him to forget Casta he had forgotten to find out where she lived and how to find her so they never brought up her name. In private the Salvatore brothers had many conversations about the elusive red head wondering just who the hell and what the hell she was. Jeremy arrived later that morning saying that Sheila Bennett had died. Casta explained what had happened and gave him 3 choices, he could stay and continue to pretend Oblivion and go about his business, he could crash and hide out at castas Haven with her or they could go on a trip with Severus. Jeremy asked how he'd get away with that saying his aunt Jenna and Elena (eyeroll) would never let him go. Casta just waved her hand dismissively stating she write a charmed note from school that would trick Jenna into believing he was on a funded school excursion for art class. Jeremy thought about it momentarily then said with a big smile "trip with you and Severus for sure!" Casta smiled and got up quickly writing a note and casting a compulsive charm on it so Jenna would believe no questions asked that he was away for school. She handed it to Jeremy and told him to return quickly.

 She was nervous for him when he left but did not go with him as she really didn't want to deal with the Salvatore brothers or anyone else pertaining to the doppelganger. When he had not returned for more than an hour she sent arry her favorite little ninja to check on him. When she returned with a description of what had happened, Damon snapping Jeremy's neck in his anger at Elena, Casta was furious. She knew he wore the Gilbert ring so he would not stay dead but she was still beyond angry. She shadow walked to the trees surrounding the Salvatore boarding house and then proceeded to barge her way through the front door. The Salvatore brothers having heard the loud entrance just shook there heads assuming it was Elena or one of their friends. That was a mistake as in the next moment both were forcefully bent to their knees with a very angry red head standing above them. "Mister Salvatore the elder, mister Salvatore the ripper, lovely to see you both again after so many years, truly it's been too long" they tried to fight to their feet but could not move, when Damon started to yell she quickly silenced him "Tut Tut, you baby vamps are always so arrogant, but then Damon you were always an arrogant fuck weren't you, shhh don't respond, I really don't care what you have to say." Then strolling around the brothers she bent down to eye level, "you will keep your filthy hands off Jeremy Gilbert, if I hear you have harmed him in any way again the outcome will not be pretty, please do not ignore this PSA for it will only be given once." She then shot a cruciatus at them both holding it for a solid 2 minutes listening to their screams with a vicious smile when she let up on the curse she looked at their quivering forms growling "do you understand? I feel I require a verbal confirmation" both brothers looked at the small girl, no woman in front of them with a bit of fear saying yes, she looked at them once more "yes, what?" , They responded "yes lady Peverell" she nodded her head, the crazy glint left her eyes as she smiled at them and gave them a wink, "have a lovely day gentlemen." With that she turned and walked out of the house in a lazy saunter casually waving her hand releasing them from the floor. When they finally managed to get to the door and look for her there was not a sign she had been there.

When she returned home she found Severus and Jeremy waiting for under the Willow tree smoking and drinking a beer, chuckling at the sight "corrupting him already Severus?" He just laughed in her face "you've already seen to that Casta and just where have you been?" She looked at them both gave a sly smile and said "teaching" Severus immediately understood but Jeremy was a bit confused . Seeing this Severus explained "I would bet all the magical weed in this garden that she has just come from punishing one Damon Salvatore on your behalf." Jeremy looked shocked at Casta who simply shrugged "its called teaching Severus, and I felt that both Salvatore brothers needed a little reminder of just whom they were dealing with" Severus laughed merrily and looked to Jeremy "by that she means she left them quivering on the floor in soiled pants" Casta nodded her head laughing, "and that is why I'll never be a teacher full time." Jeremy looked shocked for a moment before howling with laughter wishing he could have seen it, Casta promised he could watch next time because she was sure there would be a next time with those two dunderheads.

While Casta Jeremy and Severus took off to parts unknown leaving her faithful little ninja spy's in charge, the Salvatore brothers were sitting shakily in their parlor. When Elena and Bonnie showed up they were a bit concerned as both vampires were shaking and paler than usual. When they explained what had happened Elena was equal parts confused and angry. "I thought you told him to forget anything about casta what the hell is she, who does she think she is doing that to you" while Bonnie looked slightly frightened, she whispered "lady Casta Peverell" with a questioning voice. Both Salvatore's whipped their heads to her saying yes and demanding to know what she knew. Admittedly Bonnie didn't know as much as she thought and despite the whisper of fear the name brought her she felt as a Bennett witch she was Superior to this witch despite her grandmother's warnings. She explained the last letter her grandmother had written her. The brothers simply sighed, thinking that was not any new information, and wondered just how a witch appeared to not be aging. Elena moved the topic along not liking when attention wasn't on her, started discussing the tomb vampires and just what they were going to do about them.

A month went by and the trio of Casta Jeremy and Severus were having a blast travelling through Europe. They introduced him to the wizarding world and then the three decided to retreat to Amsterdam. Throughout their travels  Severus ensured Jeremy finished his schooling via distant education so as to not fall behind. While they enjoyed their travels, the mystic falls gang dealt with the tomb vampire situation and the sudden reappearance of the woman they knew as Katherine Pierce. The travelling trio decided it was time to return to mystic falls, Jeremy missed his aunt and wanted to see everyone and Casta, well she missed her garden to be completely honest and was ready to be home, too much human interaction bothered her for in the past she had literally gone decades without it.

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