Part Two

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For over 300 years Casta enjoyed her life as it were. Learning exactly what it meant to be death's daughter. He helped her to learn new magics, he taught her to protect herself with both magic and weaponry. She was her father's daughter in all things it would seem, as her favorite weapon was none other than the scythe. She really did not need to learn these things as she was invulnerable as death's progeny but she refused to be seen as weak, she would stand by her father for eternity and he deserved to have a daughter he was proud of. 

Over those years her personality became stronger, still quiet and apt to spend time alone when not with her father, she developed a morbid sense of humor and strong sarcasm. They liked to play tricks on the mortals. After reading a children's fairy tale recounting the story of the three brothers they decided to leave a false elder wand and resurrection stone in the same vein as the cloak she had left covering her uncle, just to see what would happen. After 3 centuries death declared her fit to stand alone should she so desire, but she had no desire to let go of her father. He told her he would always be there for her, to just call and he would answer. He also told her due to her power as an immortal she would have 2 mates, they would be extraordinary but he would tell her no more, only that she probably would not find them for a few more centuries. Chuckling at his daughters pout he simply shook his head saying to have patience and enjoy life.

 So enjoy life is what she did. Returning to the mortal plain she traveled the world. She learned different forms of magic, learned of different species of both vampires and werewolves. She also met beings that claimed themselves witches. She certainly did not agree, for they were servants of nature and a true witch bowed to none. Nevertheless her name was whispered among the witches and they were warned not to anger her, leave her be and she would leave them. This only came after a particularly nasty incident when a coven of these servants attempted to claim her power as their own. They had learned their lesson at the end of her scythe leaving only the children alive.   

Finally in the early 1800s she came across a town within the state of Virginia in the United States. She found it fascinating as there was a branch of werewolves here as well as a multitude of vampires and servants of nature. She decided she quite liked the area and chose a spot deep in the woods to make her home. Warded to an extreme amount so as none could even tell there was a home within the forest Casta Peverell finally had a home after all those centuries in the town of Mystic Falls.

For the first 40 odd years she kept to herself not alerting the townsfolk of her presence as she was more interested in her own pursuits and creating the perfect Haven within the forest. Her dedicated house elves had survived her centuries gone and had been happily devoted since her return. Death had lied when he said she must leave all that she held dear behind, he had seen in her memories how the elves had cared for her growing up and tethered their life to his daughters so she would always have family even when he was busy . Death would stop in to check how she was doing and spend time with his daughter encouraging her to interact with the living, getting only an eye roll in response. 

The servants of nature in the area could feel the power from the forest but chose to avoid it as it felt cold to them. Finally between the house elves badgering and her father poking at her for being a loner even after all these years she sauntered into the town of mystic falls. She was genuinely surprised at the level of supernatural she could feel and found it particularly hilarious as this town had what they called a "council" to keep them safe from evil. She knew this because although she had not been in town herself her elves had been keeping her in the loop of all necessary information.

As she browsed through the shops within the town she could feel a servant of nature following close behind. Foolish in her opinion but she let it continue until the woman made her second mistake following her down an abandoned alley. Casta turned looking at the woman she saw a well dressed woman with caramel skin and a basket of herbs, "and how may I help you servant?" She sneered, the woman looked affronted, " I am no servant" only to be interrupted by the glaring red head "are you not a servant of nature? I can smell your judgement from here" the caramel skin woman simply glared, "who are you?what is your purpose here?" Casta simply rolled her eyes sticking out her hand " oh how rude of me not to introduce myself, Casta Peverell, charmed I'm sure" with that the stranger said "Emily Bennett" as she grasped the outstretched hand. "Ahh I thought you looked familiar" as Emily Bennett gasped at the feeling of sheer primal power coming from the small red head she tried to free her hand. She knew what that power meant, her grandmother had told stories of when she was a girl and her family had been slaughtered. She said it was an act of atrocity but one that was deserved as her family had tried to steal this woman's power. Emily couldn't help but think how foolish they had been in thinking they would be powerful enough to subdue the magic running through this woman. Laughing out right in Emily's face Casta released her hand "I see you're grandmother shared her story, that's for the best I wouldn't want you to make the same mistake." Emily simply nodded clearly frightened. Casta sighed taking pity on the Bennett, "I mean you no harm miss. Bennett, I have lived peacefully here for many years and will continue to do so." She then turned on her heal and disappeared without a sound.

Emily was left shocked and slightly fearful, she simply sat on the ground with her back against a building thinking over what had just happened. That was how Katherine Pierce found her many hours later. When she demanded to know what was happening Emily simply told her there was great power here and not to bother a wild looking red head if she saw her in town. Katherine was intrigued, she had never seen Emily fear another witch and decided then and there she would be seeing just what this red head was about, she couldn't have anyone ruining her fun.

Weeks passed and Casta continued to visit the town, she actually found human company in the form of Emily Bennett, she was not as judgmental as other servants of nature and was easy to chat herbs with. One afternoon as they strolled through the town they came across the Salvatore property. At this point in time both Salvatore brothers were firmly under the spell of one Katherine pierce, the three were gently strolling the gardens when they came across Emily in quiet conversation with a stunning stranger. Katherine immediately on defense as she saw both brothers looking at the newcomer, stepped forward awaiting an introduction. Emily hesitated before looking to Casta and back at the threesome in front of her. "Lady Peverell may I introduce to you miss Katherine Pierce and misters Damon and Stefan Salvatore." She reached out her hand and was given a light kiss to the knuckles by both brothers who smiled charmingly, she was not impressed, they must be incredibly weak to be fooled by this woman, as she could feel the tension between the three. Then as she shook hands with Katherine pierce she felt it, not only was she a vampire but a doppelganger at that. Smirking lightly to the brothers she muttered "a pleasure" then turning back to Katherine, "do you overcompensate with men because that face does not truly belong to you?" The brothers were confused by the rude statement but Katherine was shocked. In the moments that followed there was a tense silence before Casta broke it, turning to Emily she said "well this has been incredibly interesting thank you for the lovely afternoon, I must be returning." With that she simply turned and seemed to glide away when around a corner within the garden she simply disappeared.

Following the introduction Katherine had finally cornered Emily, demanding an explanation of the power she had felt. Emily simply repeated to her that Casta was not someone to be trifled with and begged her to leave it alone. Katherine agreed if only because the woman seemed to be impossible to find when she did not want to be. Slightly concerned that she seemed to know of the existence of doppelgangers when most did not she decided to not get on her bad side.

The months that followed saw Casta more involved in the town but she heard the whispers of a vampire hunt. She did not get involved in that charade. The night of the vampire cleansing she watched quietly disillusioned within a tree as the vampires were rounded up. She watched as the Salvatore brothers were shot by there father trying to save Katherine. She watched as Katherine was pulled last minute from the church by George Lockwood and she handed him a package before disappearing into the night. She then watched as Emily locked the vampires into a tomb. What she saw next wasn't overly surprising. The Salvatore brothers had vampire blood in their system, the youngest killed their father in a fit of hunger and then forced the elder to transition. She warned Emily not to trust the town council and she was correct, they burnt her at the stake mere meters from Casta's own wards. She offered Emily help but Emily chose to go to the other side with her ancestors to help future Bennett witches.

Casta could only shake her head the days following the massacre, she had lost one she considered friend and that disappointed her, she had never had many friends. Little did she know Emily had left a diary for her ancestors telling them of Casta and that she could be a true friend and would help if she saw fit, but not to cross her as she held power they know not. 

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