Chapter One

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Waking up early in the morning is sure as hell not my thing. Everything I do in life is always in slow motion. But since it's the first day of Senior high, I'm making it an exception.

I wake up with the sound of my alarm clock which is completely pissing me off. I try to reach for it and stop its constant beeping. I didn't even bother checking the time before getting off the bed.

I open my curtains to let some sunlight in my room. But the question is, where's the sun? There is no sun. I see no sun. The street lights were still on and the sky was dark. I repeat. There. Is. No. Sun.

Then it struck me. I walked to my nightstand and took my phone to check the time. It read 4:17 am. I cursed in my mind some words I could never imagine I would say.

This my friends, is the work of my twin brother Brian. He must've walked in to my room and change my alarm clock earlier than usual.

We have this pranking thing my brother and I do since middle school. One time, he put some spicy stuff in my pancakes. I mean, who does that? I hate spices. Like damn him.

I planned my revenge on him. I didn't even go back to sleep or something and I don't know why. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Took out the whipping cream and maple syrup.

I know my brother locks his bedroom every night and so I learned how to unlock doors with the use of bobby pins. I slowly and carefully opened his door to his room.

When I got in, I tiptoed towards him and sprayed whip cream all over his face and body. I spread maple syrup on his bedroom floor making sure he will step on it the moment he gets off his bed.

After I'm done with my mission, I immediately went out of his room and closed the door.

On my way to my room, I smirked to myself like you see in the movies and whispered, "Oh sweet revenge."



"Language, Brian." I heard my mom say from the living room while fixing her things to work and I eating cereal at the dining room. "What did you do, Bree?" she asked walking towards me. Probably about to leave.

I just gave her an innocent smile and ate a spoonful of cereal before speaking up. "Let's just say that girls can be dirtier than boys."

She just shook her head and put on her heels for work. "I need to leave now. Your dad is already waiting inside the car. Enjoy your first day. Love you." she gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and shouted a goodbye to Brian before heading out.

My mom and dad both work at a known company in the country. No big deal. I don't really care that much as long as we still live, breathe and care for each other.

This is the first day of senior high and my last year of being a high school student. Yes mother, I will enjoy it and might as well make the best of it.

Disregarding the fact that I have the popularity, beauty and brains. I don't mind it though, why would they? And in the first place, I didn't even know how I ended up in this situation. I'm not even a cheerleader or something.

Well, you know if you're a part of the cheer squad or the jocks, you're usually considered popular.

I saw my brother walking inside the dining room already prepared to leave for school. He took out a carton of milk from the fridge and drank from it.

"We have drinking glasswares for a purpose." I said to him.

He ignored what I just said and he put the carton back in the fridge.

"Isn't it a lovely morning, dear brother?" I smiled at him and he gave me a death glare.

"Can we go to Mcdonalds and get a burger or something?" he finally spoke up.

I've always wondered how he still managed to have a good body when he eats a lot of burgers and other foods that make you heavier and big.

I say big because it's less harsher than fat.

Oh right. He's an athlete and he always go to the gym.

"So you do have a voice?" I asked him taking my bowl to the sink for the housekeeper to clean. Not that I treat them like slaves or anything.

I see he took out his car keys from his pocket. "Shut up. I'm driving."

"Fine." I said and took my bag off the couch in the living room where I left it earlier.


We arrived at the school looking for a good parking spot where we don't need to walk a great distance towards the school entrance. Fortunately, we found one.

I can see some students looking over at us when we got out of the car. Of course, they all know the Vohndues.

Brianna Vohndue, the girl that has everything and Bryan Vohndue, the jock that keeps the team going.

Seeing my friends standing in front of the school makes me so happy. I have missed them a lot over the summer.

Nate Siran, my gbf. My gay best friend. I've known him since like forever with Sydney. He admitted that he was gay just 3 years ago and it took us awhile to accept it. I mean he's good looking and everything and act so much like a guy but there's nothing we can do. He is who he wants to be.

Just to let you know, I don't know whether to use he or she when I speak of Nate. But ever since, I prefer he.

Anyways, Sydney Grimmy is one hot shot. She's also smart. Most guys in school drool over him. Even my brother had a crush on him once but he got over it. She's not interested in a relationship at the moment because she just recently broke up with a certain guy.

"Bree!" they both screamed at me when they saw me walking towards them.

I gave them a quick hug and they did the same to Bryan before he left to his team. It's a good thing we were all close friends though. No awkward moments and stuff like that.

"How was your summer? Omg. We have so much to talk about. Let's go somewhere after school?" Nate said.

Stories over the summer makes the first day so exciting because it feels like years that we haven't seen each other.

"Whoa. Okay." I smiled and started to walk inside the school.


I was currently fixing my things in my locker. I'm an organized person and a perfectionist. I want everything to be organized and yeah, perfect.

As I was listening to Nate, all I hear is water, sand and sun. Yes. He was talking about a beach. He went to various beaches over the summer.

He immediately went silent and looked at a certain direction. I also noticed that Sydney was also looking in the same direction.

Since curiosity hit me, I also looked to the direction where they were looking at and then I saw the jocks, which my brother is also one, walking down the hallway.

Like I never get used to it. They don't own the school you know. I don't hate them or anything but what's so cool about them? I mean they are just soccer players and for damn's sake, they are just people.

But then I saw someone who is not familiar to me. They were three of them. But there's this one guy that caught my eye, a perfectly coiffed brunette guy.

When they passed by us, I didn't even know I was looking at him for a long period of time. He took a glance at me and winked before turning away.

Who is this guy?


So what do you think of the first chapter? Was it boring? Is it too short?

Let me know what you think and leave your comments! :)

- Stenanana

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