Chapter 5

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    Sapphire tried to call Blaise, wanting to apologize for the fight that happened at the get-together. Blaise was refusing to pick up her phone, which was frustrating Sapphire greatly. Finally after trying to call her five times, she gave up. It had been about two days now after the death of Luna. Maria had not come back at all, leaving Sapphire to have to take care of herself, which didn't bother her too much. She was lounging on the sofa, watching some TV when she fell asleep. She began to dream and she was suddenly in a weird space-like dimension. The sky was reddish but yet had stars, like it was night. A weird orb was breaking in half, the crack growing. Sapphire ran at it, wanting to try to fix it. A voice cried out not to do it, but the name they called didn't sound like her own. She couldn't hear the name she was called, as an explosion from the orb was heard. Sapphire shook awake.

"What was that all about?" She wondered. "That was a weird dream." She rubbed her eyes. Suddenly, her phone vibrated. She picked it up, and answered.

"Why the hell do you keep calling me?!" yelled Blaise over the phone.

"I was going to apologize, but you kept ignoring me!" said Sapphire, annoyed. There was a bit of a pause. Sapphire wasn't sure if Blaise hung up or not.

"No need to apologize," Blaise finally said after the pause. "I'm just confused about Luna, something doesn't make sense! I don't get how an earthquake destroyed her island and all our bridges connecting to Pyrexia's!"

"I agree! It doesn't add up! I don't know if you're gonna agree with what I'm about to say.." said Sapphire.

"Go ahead," said Blaise patiently.

"Part of me believes Pyrexia did it, I mean she's very powerful. It's ok if don't you agree, just don't completely cut off from me like my servant did," said Sapphire. Another pause.

"I agree with you but, I don't get why she'd target Luna? What did Luna ever do wrong?" asked Blaise. Sapphire wondered the same thing.

"We need to get the other queens to meet up with us, like our own secret meeting," said Sapphire. "That way we can come up with a plan to prove Pyrexia was responsible."

"How can we do that without our bridges? Take a cruise ship?!" laughed Blaise. Sapphire felt a light bulb light up in her head.

"That's exactly what we'll do! Heck, let's have the meeting on the boat!" exclaimed Sapphire.

"Perfect! I'll contact the other queens, you find us a boat!" And like that, Blaise hung up.

Sapphire went down to the small town of White Beach. It was midafternoon. Oddly, it was pretty foggy, which was likely because of the Lazuli Sea that was nearby. She walked on the wooden docks and saw a large pale ship.

"That's perfect!" said Sapphire.

"Ya like it?" said a voice from behind her. She spun around to see a man in a white uniform. He wore a hat on that matched the uniform. Blonde hair was visible and his jade eyes looked at her.

"Ye-yeah," she said shyly.

"You're the queen of this island, aren't ya?" asked the man. Sapphire nodded. He bowed a little.

"Feel free to use it, the bridges are gone so there's no way to get to the other islands," said the man. He walked away, and Sapphire felt her face get warm. She was embarrassed now because she was blushing. She quickly got into the boat, and headed up to the wooden deck and into the cockpit. She sat down in a cushioned chair. A switch that said on and off was seen next to the wheel. She turned it on, and heard the engine come to life. She paused and felt nervous.

"I have no idea how to drive a boat,"she thought. "Well here goes nothing." She turned a joystick in the direction she wanted to go. A loud crash made her literally jump out of the seat and screech. A red light flashed. An anchor symbol was visible. Sapphire stared at the light while her arms were extended, back against the wall. Her eyes were wide and her heart was racing. She calmed herself, and sat back down. She pressed the button, and the light shut off. The anchor was now lifted. 

Queens' Islands: The Evil QueenWhere stories live. Discover now