Chapter 8

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   Queen Luna opened her eyes. She sat up in the soft grass. She wasn't sure where she was. All she remembered was her island becoming all black, and it withered away because of Pyrexia and Rose. She recalled opening a portal and that was it. But, did she open the portal? Luna couldn't remember. In the distance, a town was seen. She got up and started walking down the grassy hill. The sky was bright and sunny. She slowly headed into the town. She noticed a tall dark building. A woman with brown hair and blue eyes walked out of it, and she wore a gray suit. Luna adjusted her crown and approached the woman.

"Excuse me, I'm lost! Where am I?" asked Luna politely. The woman seemed startled.

"This is Plantain Town. Who are you?" asked the woman sternly.

"I'm Queen Luna, and Plantain sounds like a nice-Wait, what?" Luna asked confusedly. The woman seemed to be confused too.

"Queen? Um, this kingdom doesn't have a queen," said the woman.

"It doesn't?" asked Luna.

"No, the kingdom of Shylynn never had a queen or king. Wait, where are you from?" asked the woman suspiciously. Luna seemed a bit disorientated after the woman said "Shylynn."

"I'm from the region known as Queens' Islands! My island got destroyed though.." said Luna glumly.

"So you ended up here, huh? I'm Eve,general of assassins" said the woman.

"That's neat! We don't have assassins back in my region!" exclaimed Luna. A man with blonde hair came out of the building and approached them.

"Eve, who's this?" asked the man.

"Zaron, this is Queen Luna from the region called Queens' Islands," said Eve.

"Pleasure to meet you, your majesty!" Zaron bowed and then grabbed Luna's hand and kissed it. That made Luna feel embarrassed. She quickly moved her hand away after he did that.

"So, uh, can you help me get back to my dimension?" asked Luna.

"We can't do it ourselves, we don't have any magic! But, Betty does, so she could help you!" said Zaron.

"With all do respect, who exactly is Betty?" asked Luna. Eve and Zaron looked at each other, a bit surprised.

"She's the ruler of the Realm of Dreams," said Eve. "Currently, she's vacationing at Kimchi Plateau."

"Yeah, but we don't talk too much after..her death.." Zaron paused. Eve's eyes teared up and Zaron held her close. Eve started to cry and Luna felt awkward; she felt it was her fault.

"I'm so sorry for your lost..who was she?" asked Luna.

"Anna, one of the best assassins we had. She thought she had magic and tried to restore the Star Galaxy's Core. It exploded on her and luckily Betty and Beth fixed it, but Anna didn't make it. She was just gone..dead" said Zaron. Luna started to tear up.

"That's so sad!" Now, Luna and Eve were sobbing together while Zaron felt slightly awkward. When they finished, Luna spoke.

"Let's go to that Plateau! We need to go find Betty."

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