Meanwhile..... with Manan

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Kuhu's POV

I was sitting on my couch, trying to figure out how to solve a question that was taught in my class.

You see, I attend tutions after my internship so I get very less hours to study so I must make the best of the time available.

Suddenly the notification bell of my Facebook messenger rang with a message.

It was MANAN!!!!

Him: " hi!!!! How are you!"

I wasted no time and replied him

Me : " hi after so many years!!!! How are you? How's life?"

We exchanged pleasantries and talked about our careers. He had been selected into State Level Cricket team and was hoping for his selection into International team in the next month. I wished him good luck.

We talked about our parents, our dreams. He talked about his struggles, his hardwork and his ultimate dream to represent India at international platform.

We recalled our childhood days. We recalled those old silly things that we used to do. I was still in touch with Priya so he asked for her number. We talked about our parents and siblings.

We exchanged phone numbers too before saying final good night.

I was curious to call him and hear his voice but it was too late to call him. Besides my mother would be mad at me if I won't sleep early. I made sure to call him tomorrow or at earliest. After all, he was my childhood found buddy.

I went to the office next day only to realise that Aarav had already booked my tickets to the upcoming movie. Without my permission. Now the news of going out with guys alone would make my parents furious. I was angry has hell. Aarav was going to come late into the office and I had planned a full fledged speech to throw him off guard!

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