Bonus chap 1 (part 5) Wedding frenzy

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Priya's POV

"So does it look okay?" I asked Kabir.

"If you think that okay means fabulous, then yes it looks okay to me" Said Kabir.

"You know I would love to live in this tent with my dream girl. By the way do you like living in the tents Priya?" He said.

I ignored him. I was tired of him whistling. He thought that he was Shah Rukh Khan it something (the Bollywood actor specially known for his roles in romantic movies) He was already eating my brains out but I didn't say anything.  Because I needed his help.

While everyone was asleep, I decided to give a small surprise to my bestie. A corner of the terrace was empty. So with the help of the remaining lighting and a cloth (that was ordered by me to create a shed like structure but later it wasn't required) and used to make it a beautiful tent.

"Hey it's almost midnight. You need to wake up Kuhu." Said Kabir.

I rushed to Kuhu's room to wake her up  and made her wear the whole bridal attire again. But she was already awoke, looking at her phone and giggling as I entered into her room. While Kabir went ahead woke up Manan but it turned out that Manan was already awake.

It turned out that both of them were playing PUBG online. She was meant to take some rest but I almost laughed while scolding her.

Kuhu's POV

Finally the moment had arrived. By the time I got ready, it was already 1:30 am at night. While I assured Priya that I would reach to the terrace by myself, it was tough due to the heavy lehanga  (attire ) that I had worn.

I went outside the main room only to find that everyone was gone. I wanted someone's help to lift it so that I can go towards the lift or the stairs.

Suddenly the lights went out. I mentally cursed myself for using up all the cell phone battery in playing PUBG with Manan. He said that he won't allow me to sleep during the eve of my wedding. Turned  out  that it was PUBG that was in his mind. Not some random playful flirting that I had expected from him while texting him.

Suddenly I felt someone lifting my lehanga and as it was dark, I couldn't see anyone. I almost screamed until a hand went in front of my mouth and I heard a whisper "shhhhh it's me baby."

I was relieved to find him. "What are you doing here? Where are the others?" I asked him.

"I am here to take you toward the aisle. Everyone is waiting for us." He said while he tried to help me by lifting the lehanga up.

"Thanks for helping me to lift that up. It's too heavy"

"I promise I would help you to lift all your burdens and share the darkness with you."  He said with a sincerity in his voice and I blushed even in the darkness.

"Come let's go before I lose my control." He said as he held my hand and we both advanced towards his terrace.

Manan's POV

Finally we both are getting married. I couldn't wait to get hitched to her. It was a dream come true!

While going towards the terrace, I fished out my phone and checked the news. Every paper and channel had claimed that tomorrow morning was gonna be our wedding. I grinned to myself. The plan made by Kabir and Nishchay was full proof.

While we were in elevator, I looked at Kuhu's lips. Man, I wish I could kiss them. Whole night. Soon. Very soon.

As soon as we both reached the terrace, there was a sight to behold.

While everyone stood in left and right, there was a red carpet that led to the aisle and 4 pairs and Neet were dancing to the music.

Nishchay -Shobha, Aarav-Sneha, Priya-Kabir and Aangad and his wife danced led by Neet in the front.

While Kuhu ooh aah ed over their perfectly choreographed steps, I grinned at the lyrics.

Munda thoda offbeat Hai par kudiya de naal bohut sweet hai.

(The guy ie the groom is little off beat person. But when coupled with the bride, he is very sweet natured.)

Soon we advanced towards the aisle and got married as per the traditions. As per the Hindu traditions, the bride cries after her wedding rituals are over because she is going to miss her maiden family. But Kuhu didn't want to cry. She insisted everyone to give her wishes for her new life with a smile on their faces because her parents have given her away to a very nice family.

So we all skipped the farewell (ie the bidai) part.

It was already 4:00 am in the morning and everyone went towards their allotted rooms to sleep. While me and Kuhu went towards my room.

As soon as we reached, I locked the door. Kuhu jump as soon as she heard the door slammed shut.

I pulled her towards me and lifted her up towards the bed.

"I.. I can't have sex right now." She was shivering.

"Relax dear. No one is asking you to have sex with me." I tried to calm her down. I was shocked with her sudden mood change. I thought she was as excited as I was.

"I am tired." She said.

"Hmmmm" was the only thing I could say. Something was fishy.

"Kuhu, why don't you have a nice shower and wear your comfy pyjamas? I too am tired so I would wait for you to come outside and then take my turn of shower." I Said.

She thought for a moment and quickly went inside the shower.

I found her phone attached to the charger, ringing. It was Priya

"Hello Kuhu. I am going to sleep right now in the third room. If you need anything please wake me up okay?"

I was glad that Kuhu had got such a dependable friend.

"Don't worry. I would tell Kuhu to call you in case she needs anything." I told her and the call was over.

I suddenly saw the google browser open on her phone. There was a search about the sex and the pain that takes place for the first time.

Gosh! Was she scared that she would be hurt? But that's gonna happen anyway. And I would never ever force myself upon her if the pain worsens. Maybe she was scared.

I was thinking about what to do when I heard the bathroom opening. Kuhu was smiling. Evidently fresh after the shower and change of the clothes.

"Kuhu, I don't want to have any shower. Or lovemaking. I just want to rest tonight. Just sleep. Mind joining me?" I asked her

She thought for a moment and slipped inside the comforter.

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