Bonus Ch 1 (part 4) Wedding Frenzy

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Heya friends! Are you ready for this chapter? Let's enjoy the ride together! The countdown for the marriage has just started!!

Priya's POV

I was so happy with myself that I raised my (imaginary) shirt collar and patted my back. The decorations were done exactly as I had planned.

The aunties had made the food and it was decided that everything, from the wedding to the dinner  would be held on the terrace

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The aunties had made the food and it was decided that everything, from the wedding to the dinner  would be held on the terrace.

But I had one thing to be worried about.

"Kabir, the decorations look very beautiful but I am worried. If I shall switch on the lights of this open terrace, the attention of the public as well as the media would be attracted. What to do then?" I told him.

"Shit! I didn't think about it!" He said.

He called Neet (my brother), Manan, Nishchay Sneha, Aarav and Shobha but asked us to stay mum and act normal. We didn't want our elders to get tensed.

"Let's hold the wedding tomorrow morning. That way we won't need the lights and while the media would be trying to get inside that hotel, we would quickly get  them wedded before the media realise what's going on." Said  Neet.

But then Kabir looked at my sad face. Because everything was ready. The food and the decorations. Preparing the whole food tomorrow would mean doing the hard work again.

" It's Okay we would ask our parents have the occasion without food. I will give a dinner party later." Said Manan, supporting Neet.

"But the essence of the whole decorations was the lighting. And the terrace. And the food ." I Said.

Sometimes I feel that Nishchay is more close to Kuhu than I am to her. That's because he cannot hide anything from her. He immediately called her and told her everything. Now to be frank, I didn't want to involve Kuhu in that matter otherwise she would be worried.

"Okay I am keeping the phone on the speaker." Said Nishchay.

"Listen guys," boomed the voice from the phone.

"Let's have the dinner at the scheduled time. We can have the wedding after the midnight. Around 2-3 o clock. That way even if the media would come to know, it would be too late for them."

"You are a genius" Shobha Exclaimed.

Neet got up and said that he needed to meet Kuhu.

Manan just smiled. "Okay then, let's keep it that way. I am going to talk to our parents and others" said Manan while he got up. I had a feeling that he was going somewhere else too.

"Okay I will go and check how Kuhu is doing." Said Sneha.

"Wait Sneha. You stay here." I Said. And Sneha just suppressed a giggle. Kuhu must be busy with a visitor.

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