Bonus chapter 1(Part 3) Weddig frenzy

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Heya friends! Just thought about writing this chapter from Priya's POV. Just for a change.

Priya's POV

"Nishchay please stop flirting with Shobha and help me go fix the lights! We have to get two people married tonight for the heaven's sake!" I Said tiredly while he just stopped throwing rose petals at Shobha who was sitting nearby. He just thew a bunch of cauliflower at her and she showed him the middle finger while he giggled like a girl. (I wonder why and how he was one of the Kuhu's crush)

Being best friend If Kuhu has always been a blessing. And more than responsibility, it was a privilege to manage and coordinate her wedding.

That's what I thought earlier when I took the responsibility of managing the event. Never knew that managing a bunch of monkeys would be that tough.

And no I am not taking about Kuhu's relatives. They are sincere about the whole thing. I am taking about her friends. Especially Nishchay and Kabir. Aarav sympathises with me but atleast he is sensible.

"Hello! I want all of you to dress up in traditional attire tonight and stay in the hotel that I have booked for the wedding. Yeah yeah.... exactly that would divert the media!!!!! Okay and please tell news reporter that you have cane on behalf of Kuhu for tomorrow's wedding that are going to take place tomorrow noon . Okay? okay I shall switch on the television after half an hour." Kabir was talking on the phone and smiling like a mad scientist plotting the birth of Frankenstein.

"Kabir stop calling your friends and help me!" I Shouted irritated.

"Why do you think that only you are the only person who is working over here!?" He asked frustrated.

"Because people like you and Nishchay are driving me mad!" I complained.

"Look she is talking like Kuhu" chuckled Aarav.

"Don't worry Priya everything would be ready by midnight." Assured Sneha (Aarav's fiancé).

"As for now let's see the news" grinned Kabir and we switched on the television.

"We can now see some of the youngsters arriving to the famous hotel in traditional attire. It is said that marriage is gonna take place tomorrow noon. It seems like they All are Kuhu's friends and staying here overnight." Announced a news anchor.

We all laughed at the news while Kabir seemed proud.

"See? We all are as busy as you are." Said Kabir when we were alone.

"Ya But you use your devil mind for the notorious causes while I use mine for the good cause." I smiled.

"You have no idea in what areas I can use this mind" he winked. As if flirting with me.

" you use your head only for breaking hearts" I said bitterly. I suddenly remembered Kuhu's heartbreak. How much she suffered silently while me and her family watched her going through the emotional hell for months.

"I am a human being. I made a mistake and am trying to do my best to correct it. Can't you see?" He said softly.

It was true. He has been doing his best to help Kuhu get her love.

"Ummm I am sorry for being  a little bitter. But just a personal question if you don't mind. You can avoid to answer it if you want. Have you moved on?" I asked him worried if he would either get angry or break down in tears.

" I guess I have. I don't love her but I do adore her. Yet I can't stop feeling guilty. That's why I am helping Kuhu to get her love. Though she has already forgiven me in the past, I am yet not satisfied. Once she gets married and I see her happy, I would assume that I have done something for her. "  he said sincerely.

Now I knew why she fell for him in the past.

"Knock knock!" He said suddenly. I felt like he was being playful to lighten up the serious atmosphere between us.

"Who is there?" I played along.

"It's Tea...." He said.

"Who tea?" I replied.

"Would you go out for a tea with me?" He asked playfully.

"Nayyyyy." I laughed and we both got back with our work of arranging the lights.

I saw Manan coming to me with a plate of snacks.

"You are working too hard. Stop and take some rest. Now, eat this." He gave me a gentle smile and collected his clothes from Nishchay and went back to his room.

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