Why are we here?

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Kuhu's POV

"Can you now explain me again why are we here?" I asked him as we sat on the banks of the river.

Me and Manan went out for a lunch date after he came back to the town once his match was over. He had performed well and was declared as "The Man of The Match" everyone was sure that his place in the World Cup team was now secure.

"This is my favourite place. Though I had shifted to another city, I used to come here whenever I came to this city for match and wanted to relax. The river water helps me to calm down and relax. Especially during the tough times." He said and became quiet again. Staring at river. Lost into his thoughts.

It looked like he was meditating. So I too started enjoying the silence. He just looked at me once and smiled when our eyes met. And again we both lost into the thoughts. I didn't want to disturb him so I asked my overworked mind to shut up and relax. Being around him was overwhelming. He was way to handsome and  had great personality. Being around him made me nervous.

"Kuhu?" He asked.

"Hmmm?" I asked him.

With him I was very quiet. And most importantly, CALM (though I had frequent bouts of having the feeling of butterflies in my stomach) .. there was no need for an unnecessary small talks. Every dialogue was spoken with reason and every action of his had some meaning.

Our lunch date was mostly quiet. Because he wouldn't speak when eating. So all we did was to stare at each other. And smile. He had various range of smiles. Some were understanding ones, some smiles were naughty (when he would catch me staring at him) and some were reassuring ones (I accidentally sneezed and felt awkward but he gave me those reassuring smiles, as if it was okay)

"I wanna do a lot for my country, for my family and for myself. But I don't know how. Sometimes I feel so frustrated. As if my hardwork is not receiving any deserving returns." He said looking at me.

"My parents have sacrificed a lot for my career. I hope I could make them proud in the next match. Though I never show, the pressure is huge." He spoke up.

I wanted to hold his hand and assure him that he would be successful very soon. But I didn't have the guts to do that. It was just one date.

"Don't worry. Things will be great . We all are proud of you" I spoke up.

"I know that things will be great. My lucky charm is here with me now" he smiled at me (the serious one) and again got busy with staring at the river. And what did I do? I did what he did.

We saw a beautiful sunset while sitting together. The silence was comforting. There was noise of people around us, speaking something or another. But overall, the feeling of calmness swept into my heart.

✔️Kuhu's Secret Crushes (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now