Crush#4 Can you handle it?

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Kuhu's POV

"So I am coming to your city next month.. let's catch up" Said Manan on phone.

I was super excited hearing that. I mean my childhood bestie would meet me after sooooo many years!!!! We did have photos together in the Class Group Photo when we were too young. But now I don't know how he looks in real. Though he has many photos on Facebook, I don't know how he walks or talks in real life!!! I am so exited to meet him !!!!!

It was Sunday and we all (the office staff) went to Aarav's home. His family had brought a new flat and it was a homecoming party with Vastu (it's a religious act of purifying home with mantras and religious chantings near 🔥 havan where fire is lit)

But when I reached him place, I got the biggest cultural shock. Though his home was modern and sophisticated, the one thing I noticed was that he had a huge number of guests especially from his own committee. And the women, mostly were covering their face using their saree's veil.

He was busy greeting his guests. We sat with others during the Vaastu and had our lunch. After two hours, the guests started leaving. All the interns left his home and only I was present. It was because I was waiting for my younger brother to pick me up. I had just texted him the address. I was sitting in his room. Playing with my cell phone.

"Hi" I heard the voice of a girl standing at the doorway. It was Aarvi. Aarav's younger sister. I had seen her conversing with Aarav when I entered their home and he had introduced me to her. But we couldn't talk because she was busy handling the huge inflow if the guests.

Aarav's younger sister was super bubbly, glowing with energy. She seemed to know me. "Brother has told me a lot about you" she smiled and sat next to me.

"Aha? What did he say about me?" I asked curiously.

"Aarvi mum is calling you" Said Aarav as he entered the room. He seemed to have heard our conversation and obviously feeling embarrassed.

"Na I can't hear anything bhai (brother)" she looked doubtful. I wondered if she was really teasing her brother or was genuinely innocent.

"Na She told me that she needs your help with flower decoration" he tried to be more specific.

"Oh that's already done bhai (brother). I am sitting with Kuhu. Finally she is here!!!!!" She smiled at me, excitement evident in her voice. But Aarav was feeling frustrated.

"Aarvi come here!" Her father Shouted and Aarav heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay but we would meet soon" she said as she exited the room.

"So?" Asked Aarav excites.

"So?" I asked confused about what he was referring to.

"Did you like my room?" He asked. Like an excited kid:

"Ya it's great. Nicely done" I appreciated it.

It was a huge spacious room with a king sized bed, study table, chair, whiteboard, shelves for books and cupboards. The whole furniture was simple yet elegant and room looked spacious. Whole room was covered with huge white marble flooring and light wooden coloured furniture and curtains gave the room, a very warm and welcoming feel.

We both were sitting and talking on the edge of his bed.

"I designed it myself, you know" he said proudly.

And I could relate to it. He too had a warm and welcoming personality once he opens up to people.

"Your home is beautiful too. Thank you for inviting me today" I Said.

Actually I wanted you to come" he said smiling.

Awkward . I didn't know how to react.
Usually I am real chatty person. But now I didn't know how to make a small talk.

"Your sister is very sweet." I Said.

"I know"  he said proudly. Suddenly his face fell.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Just lost in thoughts" he said.

"Your face clearly says that something is bothering you" I told him.

"Nothing. I was just thinking how she would bear her future life. Being married. You know, she has been given so many privileges that are not given to girl child in our community. I wonder how would she adjust to the norms of our community" he said worry evident on his face.

That explained why the women in his house were not showing their faces and not interacting with others.

"My community is not good for women. Especially if you are a wife." He confessed.

"So are the girls in your community not allowed to study? Or do jobs?" I asked wondering.

"My sister is an exception. Girls in our community are not even allowed to go outside their house often. Studying is a luxury." He said.

"So you would allow your wife to follow her dreams right?" I asked curious,

"I would make her fulfil all her dreams, give her wings to fly. But she would have to face the criticism of almost everyone. Life would be tough for her as well as for me" he said.

I didn't know what to speak next. I had crush on Aarav but never imagined marrying to him. But after listening to his words, I did imagined living the life of  that of his wife. It was not bearable.

"I am sure that I have a great future. But I am doubtful about my future wife" he said , breaking the chain of my thoughts.

"I would rather want the love of my life not to get married to me and spoil her life"

He finally spoke, looking straight into my eyes. As if every word was meant for me.

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