Cuddles (Demus)

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Deceit was in his room and sice he is part snake he is cold blooded. While Deceit was freezing his boyfriend Remus just finished introducing himself to Thomas. He went to Deceit's room finding him shaking. He laughed and Deceit looked at him and said " What are you laughing at." Remus went to kiss Deceit and got rejected. Remus pounted. Deceit was mad at him for making fun of him. Then after a few minutes he finally kissed Remus on his cheek. Remus kissed Deceit on the lips and wrapped them both in Deceit's blanket. Remus held Deceit by his waist as they cuddled to sleep.

Prinxiety,Demus,and Logicality One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now