Man in the Kitchen

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"Okay Margo, spill!!!" Mina called, yanking me into the seat next to her. We were currently about to head to the summer camp.

"Spill what?!" I chuckled, seeing Ochako pop up from the row behind us.

"You need to tell us every detail!" Ochako chimed in, eagerly resting her head on the top of my seat.

"What are we referring to?" I asked again, sitting up straight in my seat.

Tsuyu suddenly popped up next to Ochako.

"About you and Kirishima." Tsuyu said matter of factly.

I began rubbing the back of my neck nervously now, not liking all the attention on me.

"W-What?! Oh guys, come on. This again?! There's nothing to tell. Seriously—" I started saying, before...

"Oh, Margo. You can tell us! It's pretty obvious you guys have a thing." Momo suddenly chimed in, turning around from the row in front of us.

I saw Aizawa a couple rows away, subtly turn his head towards me at Momo's words.

Shit. He was trying to listen in on the conversation.

"No. Definitely not. Eijirou and I are just friends." I said loudly for Aizawa to hear.

Speaking of...

Eijirou walked onto the bus now, laughing as Bakugou put him in a headlock for something he said.

The two boys began walking by us, heading to the back of the bus.

Eijirou's eyes shifted to us now, still in Bakugou's headlock.

"Ladies." He greeted with a grin.

Suddenly, his eyes shifted to me, shooting me a cheeky wink, before Bakugou dragged him off.

The girls began freaking out now, shaking me and getting in my face excitedly.

"What was that!?" Toru exclaimed next to Momo, her gloves being the only thing visible.

"Nothing!! All he said was hi—" I tried to counteract.

"Margo's blushing!!" Ochako cooed, giggling at my flusteredness.

"I know Kiri. There's no way he'd just give anybody that kind of wink." Mina smirked slyly.

I groaned in defeat, throwing my head back against my seat.

"You guys know nothing." I mumbled unconvincingly.

Everyone laughed now, as the bus began moving.

I was actually looking forward to this summer camp.


"Say, I didn't know you could cook?" I smirked, walking over to Eijirou as he began making the curry for dinner.

"Hah. Truth be told, I didn't know I could cook either. But, after that surprise exercise today from the wild, wild pussycats...I'm so hungry, I decided to learn how to cook right now." He grinned, stirring the curry over the fire.

"Mind if I have a taste?" I asked, grabbing a spoon.

"Go ahead. Just don't get food poisoning from it." Eijirou said, rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness.

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now