Behind Closed Doors

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Eijirou POV:

"Margo!? Margo?!" I called out into my earpiece, desperately trying to get ahold of her.

The only thing I heard in response were the screams and yells coming from her and Overhaul.

I slammed my hands down on the conference room table, turning to Sir Nighteye and Aizawa.

For the first time, in a very long time....

I was angry.

"What the hell are we doing!? Don't act like you guys don't hear Margo asking for help!! We're heroes, and heroes help people! So, why aren't we racing over there to get to her aid!?" I yelled, standing up in anger.

Sir Nighteye ran an anxious hand through his hair, throwing his hands up in frustration

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Sir Nighteye ran an anxious hand through his hair, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Because we already have a plan that's going to take place in an hour!—" He started saying, before I cut him off.

"The plan went straight to hell now, don't you think!? Overhaul isn't letting Margo anywhere near Eri. This man is a masochist!! This plan is shit!!" I called out, feeling Aizawa stand up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Kirishima, remember we have an entire force of heroes planning to storm the yakuza household in an hour

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"Kirishima, remember we have an entire force of heroes planning to storm the yakuza household in an hour. Yes, Margo stuck her neck out for us. It backfired. Yes, she'll have to go through some pain right now, until we're able to get to her. But, we need to stick with the operation. For the safety of her and Eri. That's all we can do right now." Aizawa stated.

However, his face betrayed his words, as it was clear to see he was also distraught. He had gone pale, and was sweating bullets as we heard the sound of Margo yelling.

I grit my teeth in anger, balling my fists in frustration.

"B-But Margo!!—"

"—is a strong girl, Eijirou Kirishima. She's had a very unfortunate life, and while that is a bad thing for's also what might save her life right now. After my time spent with Margo Kimika these past few months, I can confidently say she is not one to quit and give up on her life. Especially, when the lives of others are at risk. That girl has the heart of a hero. Even though she shouldn't have to, she grits her teeth and bares the pain and punishments as they come. She will not give up! I know it! I believe it!" Sir Nighteye exclaimed, determination present in his eyes.

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