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[ 🥀] WARNING! This chapter contains sensitive content]

*Mumbo's POV*

I had just settled into bed after a nice warm shower, When I heard fireworks going off outside.

'Who in their right mind is out at this hour?' I thought silently to

I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.

I got up and walked over to the window to see... Grian? I couldn't really tell, but I doubt any of the hermits were visiting him in the middle of the night. 

'He probably couldn't sleep.'

'Hmm.. I guess it could be nice to go for a fly..' I thought, already putting on my Elytra.

As I was soaring in the direction I saw grian flying, I heard the fireworks cease.

And then... screaming?!

I looked around only to see that Grian's Elytra had broken.

'Holy shit!' I panicked

I had to do something!

He's my best friend for god sake!

I don't think I've ever flown that fast before, the feeling of the crisp air hitting my face was like needles. I was just in time, another few seconds and I wouldn't have been fast enough.

I caught him, hearing a painful crunching noise as I did so. Had the fall broken something?!

'It wouldn't surprise me honestly.'

I flew Grian to my base, it being the closest one.

You wouldn't believe how careful I was when laying him down on my bed.

'Shit! What do I do... what do I do?'

I heard more fireworks, then silence.

"Come in!"

I was only expecting one or two people.. but not this many!

"We heard the scr-" Impulse cut off as soon as he looked over at Grian.. and the others followed his gaze.

-time skip-

After finally letting go of Grian, I got up to go turn the lights off before hearing a small whimper from behind me.

"M-Mumbo?" I heard grian squeak.

I turned around, visibly concerned.

"Yes?" I tried so desperately to not sound worried, but failed miserably.

"I-I have something to tell you..." He looked ashamed, tired, sad, but above all, he was petrified.

He sounded... broken, shattered into millions of pieces.

I quickly sat next to him on the bed.

"What's wrong Grian?"

He didn't say anything.

"Come on buddy, it's me, Mumbo! Your best friend! You can tell me anything."
He shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes.

The broken boy just looked away.

"You can talk to me..."

Again, he just shook his head.

He looked like he felt so alone in the world.

I leaned over, and embraced him. He soon started shifting a bit, so I let go and looked at him. He was digging through his pockets and pulled out a piece of paper. I was in complete shock, I had a slight idea of what was about happen, but I didn't wanna get to ahead of myself.

'For the love of god, please don't let me be right about this.'

He handed me the note, and then immediately buried his face into my chest, what once was a small trickle, was now a raging river of tears falling from Grian's eyes. I wrapped my arm around him, in an attempt to comfort him. I held my other arm up so I could read what the paper said.

'Dear Hermits,

I'm truly sorry for all the grief I have caused you, and I want you all to know that

I did care about you. Even if you didn't care about me.

I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner, and I'm sorry for making you all interact with

Me in any way.

I want you to know that I am sorry for taking up space on the server,

and I'm sorry for wasting air that someone else could be breathing,

and recourses that someone else could be using.

But now, I'll waste my final breath. I hope I can be forgiven for wasting for

So long.


Sincerely, G '

I was now crying equally as much as Grian, if not more. What do you say in a situation like this? How do you make someone believe that you truly care about them? How can you convince them that life is worth living?

You can't.

But you can try. Try to do the impossible.

"Grian, you don't ever need to feel alone in this world, although it may be rotting, there is always new life after every disaster. I care about you so much, and it hurts to know you didn't feel like you could trust me with this before anything happened, but I'm grateful that you decided to open up to me in the end. I'm sorry I couldn't prevent this."

He didn't reply.

*Grian's POV*

'I want to run away.'

'He's lying to me.'

'I shouldn't have done that.'

'I just made the biggest mistake of my life.'

'I should have kept it to myself.'

These poisoned thoughts spun around my head for a few minutes.

I can't take the pity. I dislike a lot of things about the world, but I truly truly despise pity.

Suddenly, I tried to get up and make a run for it, but when I moved, a sharp pain pulsed through me, it started in my back and spread through my body like a plague, like an epidemic.

'What the hell?'

'Why can't I move?'

I fell to the floor and hit my head on the leg of a nearby stool, my vision started to fade into a dark blur as I swirled into a panic attack. I could see Mumbo's terrified expression, and his mouth frantically moving.

Everything went dark again.

- 943 words-

Editing ✅☑️☑️

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