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[ 🥀] WARNING! This chapter contains sensitive content]

( please note, I'm aware that my POVs are all messed up, most use words in past tense, but there are a few in present tense so it's all messed up. Just know this is in the present)

*Grian's POV *

'It's really nice out tonight'

I was just sitting there under a palm tree on Scar's island, it was a beautiful evening honestly.
I wish peaceful moments like this could last forever.

I knew what I had to do, it was all planned out. I glanced back at my wings, sad that I didn't have more time to fly. I really do enjoy soaring around the Hermitcraft server.

I took out a pen and paper, my hand shaking as I began to wright, as my head filled with thoughts I would never wish upon my worst enemy.

'Nobody will notice' 

'They're just taking pity on you'

'They won't care'

'You're not worth a single penny'

With a million thoughts racing around my head, I continued to write until nightfall, putting careful thought into each little letter. After all, I couldn't make them think they were to blame.

Before I go through with this, there is one last little thing I need to do.

I glided over to Mumbo's base, grazing my hand against the cool ocean current as I flew.

He is the only one who will miss me.

*Mumbo's POV*

I was just finishing organizing my chests and checking on my farms one last time for the night, when I heard fireworks.

"Hello Grian, Here to throw eggs at me?"

I was only joking. I wasn't expecting what what came next.

When I heard no reply, I turned around to see him in tears.

"Grian? What's wrong?"

I was honestly terrified, Grian never openly cries.

"M-Mumbo.. I-I'm so sorry.."

"Sorry for what Grian? You haven't done anything wrong."
I could feel myself begin to panic. Who did this to him? Why was he crying?
Are his cats okay?
It was too late, he had already flown away.

*Grian's POV*

I plucked out a few feathers in advance.
Everyone has always told me I'm horrible at checking my Elytra before I take off, a few of them have even said it would kill me one day.. I guess they were right.

I had plucked out about a quarter of the feathers in each wing, and I grabbed the notes I had written and stored them in my pocket, and then.. I grabbed about 15 rockets, and was off.

I soared high above the clouds, setting off a few fireworks as I went. But I still wasn't high enough.

It's a lot harder to fly with half of the feathers gone. 

Once I was just high enough, I flipped upside down, and began to fall. 'I have to sell it..' I thought in a panic.

At that moment I started swinging my arms around like a madman, and I screamed. I screamed so loud I'm sure it woke most people up.



Still falling...

I must be really high up.




Pain? Why does my neck hurt? My back and my head? How can they hurt?

Is this what death feels like?

G-               -G

G—                      G-


"Grian?! Can you hear me?"


I cursed myself for stuttering

"Holy shit Grian! You scared us to death!"

"Scar? Who else is here?"

"Iskall, Doc, Ren, False, and  Impulse."  Mumbo said, his voice sounded shattered.

'Oh god.. that's a lot of people.' I silently panicked

"W-what happened?" I lied. I knew exactly what happened.

This time, intentionally stuttering

"You're Elytra broke." False muttered through tears.

"God dammit Grian! I knew this was going to happen one day, we all knew that you would forget at some point, where nobody was around to remind you! You're just lucky Mumbo was just in time to catch you!" Doc sounded mad, sad, and stressed all at the same time.

'Well.. that explains the neck, head, and back pain.' I thought silently

I was lost in thought until-

"Grian! Are you even listening to me? Do you understand how badly you scared us? Do you understand you could have been killed?!" Doc just sounded furious now.

'That was the plan..'

I finally opened my eyes to see everyone crowding around the bed.

They were crying..

'This is my fault.. everything is my fault.. I did this..'

I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes, so I held them back. That is, until I felt a hand press gently against my shoulder.

"Grian, it's okay to cry. You don't need to be strong, just let it all out, we would never judge you." Mumbo whispered in a very calming and reassuring voice.


At that I lost it. I started sobbing, and was soon met with a tender and soothing embrace from Mumbo.

"Doc! It was an accident! It's not like he meant for this to happen! You should really apologize!" It was Scar who shouted this time.

Doc put his head down.

"Sorry Grian.. I'm just stressed. I didn't mean to make you cry.." He sounded very sincere.

Mumbo continued to hug me. 

Even when the others had left.. he stayed with me. And he made it very clear he wasn't leaving.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally let go and went to go turn off the lights in his base.

'Why do I want to tell him what my intentions were? Why do I trust him so much?'

'It's not like he cares that much..'


He turned to face me.


"I-I have something to tell you..."

'No turning back now...'

-960 words-

Editing- ✅ ☑️☑️

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