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[ 🥀 🩸 ] WARNING! This chapter contains sensitive content and gore]

*Grian's POV*

The next few days were quite uneventful, they just consisted of me staring at the ceiling, Mumbo trying to get me to talk, along with helping me do everyday things such as eating and going to the bathroom.

I'm able to leave Mumbo's base today, finally. Though, I already know he's not going to let me be alone for more than an hour, he even went as far as taking my Elytra. I hadn't been talking to him, out of complete fear. I can't let the words flow, or I'll end up telling him too much.

As we were leaving his base, I noticed that most of the other hermits were waiting outside. They were all wearing my signature outfit, a red sweater and some typical gray jeans. They were holding a huge poster that said "Get we'll soon Grain!" I couldn't help but laugh at the atrocious mistakes in the poster, I could only assume Scar wrote it. "Lovely! are we going out for bread later?" Scar elbowed Bdubs in the side "I thought you said it was fine.." everyone shared a good laugh, except for me. After smiling for so many years it becomes almost second nature to fake a smile or an occasional laugh.

Mumbo looked at me

"Did you just laugh?" He seemed rather surprised. "I always laugh." I said dryly.

After the other hermits made sure I was okay, they went to their bases to work on their own individual projects, all except for Mumbo. He walked me to my base and told me to wait there while he went to grab a few things. I know him well enough to know that a few minutes for him, was like an hour for everyone else, and eventually he would just forget about me.

After he left I walked over to my ender chest to see if I had another spare elytra, to my surprise, I didn't. "Dammit.." I kept looking through my shulker box to see if I could find one, but I had no luck.

I went back to my ender chest one last time just to double check. While there was no Elytra, there was a rather sharp prismarine shard. "Hmmm... I wonder..."
I put my left index finger on the tip of the shard and pushed down ever so slightly, sure enough it worked. I pulled my hand back to see a small drop of blood slowly trickling down my finger.

I pulled up my left sleeve to see my untouched skin. I've never had the guts to cut before, but at this point I don't care. I placed the shard against my shaking arm and added pressure, I could already feel the skin breaking ever so slightly. I slid the shard across my left arm only to see the blood seeping from the wound. It hurt, but it also put me at ease in a weird way, I liked it. I did it again, and again, I believe I counted something close to 56 cuts before I started to feel light headed, but I didn't wanna stop, but I knew if I didn't, I could pass out, and god knows what Mumbo would do then.

I put the shard into my ender chest and I wrapped up my arm in gauze bandages. I pulled my sleeve down and you could even tell anything had happened, that is until you looked at the floor. It was a total mess, items soaked in blood everywhere. I threw them all in a shulker box that I then put in my ender chest, and as for the blood stains, I just put shulker boxes over them. Nobody would ever know.

I checked the clock and to my surprise, and hour and a half had passed, I knew Mumbo would leave me alone if I just went to bed, so that's exactly what I did, until I realized.. I could easily buy a new elytra from one of the other hermits. I private messaged Etho to see if he had a spare that I could buy, and surprisingly he did. He gave it to me for 20 diamonds, more pricey then I would have liked but whatever. I flew around the server for about thirty minutes before I got bored. So I just went back to my base, only to find Mumbo there.
"Where the bloody hell were you? Do you know how worried I was? What if you died? What if you tried to kill yoursel-" he paused. "Where did you get that?" He motioned to my Elytra. "From Etho" I calmly explained. "Give it here." He tried to reach for my precious wings. "No! You already took my last ones!" I spat back. "And for a good reason! You clearly can't be trusted alone!" He looked mad, and it honestly really scared me. "I'm not some sort of child!" My legs started shaking and I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "Well then stop acting like some sort of angsty teenager!" He was screaming at this point, he looked like he wanted to break something, or hurt someone. "Just shut the fuck up!" I yelled at him, I'd never done that before, at least not to this extent. What have I don- my thoughts were cut off by a hand colliding with my face. He hit me. He hit me with so much force that I fell backwards into a table that I had recently installed. I tried to get back up but he flipped me around and pushed me back down. My right eye collided with one of the corners of a chest. I didn't get up this time, everything went black for a few minutes.

As my vision began to return I could see Mumbo, he was crying. His mouth was moving but I couldn't hear him. He tried to reach his hand out to help me up, but I swatted it away. I staggered towards the door, he grabbed my arm but I just kept walking. He eventually let go when he realized I wasn't going to stop. I took off almost immediately going to god knows where.

Words: 1040




Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, was the angst up to standard? Anyway I wanted to let you know that the beginning of this story was heavily inspired by @Nightflyer17771 story Sad little Grian, which appears to have been taken down. If it's ever put back up I highly recommend reading it! I didn't mean to take as much inspiration as I did, I basically copied the beginning, and I apologize for that. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!

Break My Heart, Mend My Soul [Grumbo] ( ONGOING ) Where stories live. Discover now