Chapter 1

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**A/N this will be mostly in devin's pov unless I say other wise. Love yous.


Sam and I were clearing a house while dean waited outside. I was walking through the long dark hallway, the floor creaking with my steps. I came across an old cracked mirror. My long brown hair was in a neat side Braid. My green eyes were glossy from no sleep. I didn't look tired.  Just my eyes. I was wearing a pair of jeans and a plain blue t shirt. I had a flannel shirt wrapped around my waist. I don't know if it's Sams or Dean's. I felt the hidden knife in my knee high boats to see if it was still there. I stood up and straighted my shirt. I felt a cold object touch my head.

"Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to point you gun?" I smirked and slowly turned around. I was looking straight down the barrel. I looked past it to see a boy around my age,14. I cocked my head a bit. He had brown hair and blue eyes. His face was completed with a few freckles.

"Gun" he demanded.

"Don't know how to say please?" I asked inoccently.  He narrowed his eyes and I rolled mine, and passed him my gun.

"Knife too" he added. I smiled and pulled out the knife.

"Smart one aren't you?" I said. He looked Confused but it passed.

"Come on" he said. I tuned around and slowly walked into the living room my dad, dean was there hugging a man holding a crossbow. Sam and another man wearing a sheriff's hat were standing and observing.  They seemed happy. The boy behind me cleared his throat. I felt the gun sit on my neck.

"Carl drop it" the man with the sheriff's hat said. The boy now known as carl dropped the gun hesitently. I turned to him.

"Thanks" i said and walked over to sam. Sam put his arm around my shoulder as dean walked over to me.

"You ok?" He asked, his deep gruff voice the only sound in the room I nodded. He then turned to the man with the cross bow.

"This is Devin. Devin this is Daryl. A hunter." My dad said. I raised an eyebrow at Sam and he nodded. I walked up to Daryl and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you" i said with a smile. He nodded.

"Ive heard about you. Maxs girl right?" He asked. I cringed at the name. Max was my boyfriend. We lost him and his brother on a run. His brother died but max just disappeared. I nodded slowly. "Where I'd he?" Daryl asked.

"He uh, isn't here" i said quietly.  He nodded understandingly.

"Dean, Sam this is Rick and his son carl. Im apart of there group" Daryl said. His voice was raspy. Like he just woke up but you could tell that he didn't. Dean and sam shook Ricks hand.

"Your welcome to come back with us. We have a group with people. We always need more" Rick said. Sam shook his head.

"We don't want to be a bother" he said.

"You and dean are like family to me. You gotta kid too. Ya'll aren't Goin back out there" Daryl said flaring his accent. Dean sighed and nodded.

"Thank you" he said. Rick smiled and nodded. I felt someone looking at me so I turned and saw carl. I walked up to him and he just looked started. Like I broke his train in thought.

"Gun please" i said and he'd out my hand.

"W - what?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow to my gun and knife. The realization hit him and he passed them over. I stuck the knife in my boot and put my gun into the back of my pants waist band. Carl walked out of the house and shut the door behind him i stood up to see all the men looking at me with amused looks.

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