Chapter 5

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*devin's pov*

It's been kinda akward since I walked away from carl last night. I would feel his stare on me. I couldn't help but gaze back. He would just roll his eyes or look away.  Females, I tell you. This is why I don't make friends. My dad on the other hand, hasn't spoken to me since yesterday. He wouldn't even take knowledge that I was there! You'd think he was on his 'time of the month'. I chuckled slightly at the thought. I'm currently whatching Judith. Rick went on a run with a few people. I think my dad and uncle went to.

"Well well little Judy what do we have here?" I asked. She just giggled and played with my braid. I laughed slightly and swayed around the eating area. I heard a crash and I jumped back. I looked around the abandoned room. I hesitently shook it off. The open door slammed shut, locking us in. "Hey what's going on out there!" I shout. No one awnsers. A sudden breeze runs over my legs. All you can hear is jusith whimper. A slam echos through the room.

"Devin? Judith?" I heard somone shout. I rush to the doors and see carl.

"Carl you need to open this door now" i yelled. A wind picks up in the room. My breathing grew heavy. Small pecks of dust and pieces if paper flew around us. Carl was looking around for something to get us out. I pass judith through the bars. "Go get my dad and sam now" i yelled. The wind is whipping my loose hairs around. I feel my skin burn. Carl took Judith and his eyes widened. A sudden pain filled my chest. I fell to the cold floor, putting my arms around my legs.

"DEVIN" Carl shouts over the noise. I let out a powerful scream when i felt a cut go deep down my stomach. I lifted up my shirt a bit to see blood.  A lot of blood. A pain ruptered in my head.

"DADDY" I cried. I felt tears come down my face.I let out a short breath before I close my eyes, and hope. Just hope.

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