part five

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Can you believe it?
A tiny woman like me managed to not only pull of with pretending to be a boy but was able to earn a place right on the football team.. along with all the sweaty boys of course but that's okay because of one thing.

"Shut up, she did not!"
Blaine gasped, hopping onto the bed with such a wide smile, complete wonder in his eyes. "She did!" She squealed, pulling off the padded material that helped hide her shapes.

"Kurt told me after I tried out for the team—" she placed it into the top of her drawers for safe keeping, a smile on her lips.
"So that's it— that's all it took for her to notice you? I thought it would be ( so ) much harder than that but way to go"

"Thank you—" she chuckled lightly, starting to change into a tank top and pair of shorts. "Truthfully, I'm still surprised that no one noticed, but at the same time I am glad they didn't because yesterday was in fact the first official day where I didn't have a single slushy ruin my makeup"

She now sat onto the bed beside him, lounging down as she pulled off the wig to set it aside, carefully pulling her hair out the bun with the help of Blaine. "So you liked being a boy?"

"I guess I did. It felt.. different. A good kind of different and I think it opened me up to the world a bit more than it did when I'm like this" she glanced up at him, reaching to take his hand.

"Thanks for helping me by the way,
It means a lot to me, that you're supporting me even though you have doubts"

"Oh I have ( many ) of those" he chuckled, locking their fingers together. "But what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't here to support you through it all?"

————————- EARLIER ON.

Santana called out, roaming around the changing rooms and peaking round each corner as she called out the females name numerous times, heart racing as she had been hunting her down for way too long now.

She knew she ran off but she was too afraid to run after her in case rumours started to spread around.. she knew what the jocks and even some cheerios were like. Exposing one popular person was like earning yourself immediate fame.


"She's not here"
Another voice spoke up, and Santana spun on her heel to come face to face with Quinn Fabray. If not being able to find the woman she loved wasn't hard enough then having to deal with the girl that knocked her ass into detention was going to drag her down much further.

"What?" She breathed out, trying to keep her cool despite how difficult it was. Her main focus was on finding Brittany, not arguing with her biggest enemy. "Brittany. She's gone"

The blonde replied, taking a seat down onto the bench as she reached down to undo her shoe laces. "I saw her run off. Haven't seen her since tryouts. I have a feeling she went home to cry herself to sleep"

"Why would she do that?"

"Oh I dunno-" soft chuckle as she stood back up to open her locker to retrieve her original pair of shoes. "Maybe because you hurt her?"

"That's crazy. I would never.."
Wait.. shit, yes you did. You snapped at her, you let out the anger you felt for Quinn out on her and you never apologised.

"Bingo" the blonde shrugged, slipping on her shoes and reaching for her jacket. She could tell what she was thinking. "I know you're confused. And I know you're struggling, but how do you think I feel? I have a boyfriend yet I don't even like him that kind of way.."

Santana tried her hardest to hold back the urge to begin crying, wanting more than nothing to NOT show a side of her weakness to the one person she claimed to be stronger than. "Why are we like this?" She finally spoke up, tilting her head to the side as she watched the other pull on her jacket.

She's the Man: A Faberry AUWhere stories live. Discover now