part two

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I can't say the next day I felt any different, although Blaine's words did help liven up my mood so I didn't look like an overly depressed puppy that looks like they haven't been given any love for a week.

Even though in my case, I haven't been given any love all my life, not counting my dads since obviously they love me. That's a parents job after all.. at least in most cases I know of at least. I would also say that the day was going surprisingly well, but that was only because I have ( yet ) to have an ice cold beverage tossed into my face, but I know the second I close my locker and turn around that one was gonna be right there to greet that pretty little face of mine.

I know, only three weeks in and I know the drill.

"Hey Rach—" and there's one of my favourite people in the world. A smile is of course offered as she glances up from her locker to see the features of Blaine. "Hey you, how've you been?" considering she hasn't spoken to him since yesterday when they pretty much exposed each other.

A tiny shrug is offered as he leaned his side against the locker which was beside hers, gaze flickering inside just to be his usual nosey self. "Could be better, but.. I guess I'm alright. And yourself?"

Judging by the look he received which basically told him 'Did you really just ask that?' , that was probably a 'Not good' which was also to him, a cry for help. "You need some guidance my young padawan?"

And incoming glare, did he just — throw a nerdy ass star wars reference at me? I need new friends, but sadly I'm too much of a loser to get any..

"I would say yes, but your terrible yoda impression ( severely ) put me off" she explained, causing him to place a hand over his heart and release a fake gasp. "I am.. offended! It wasn't ( that ) bad"

"Ohhh - it was"

And Blaine paused immediately because... that wasn't Rachel. Does he dare look behind him, and considering Rachel was trying so hard to hide that obvious grin of hers, he knew exactly who it was.

"Oh sweet heavens of lord, notice me senpai.." he muttered underneath his breath before spinning around on his heel and immediately backing off to the females side. "Hi!"
Rachel raised a hand to cover her ear at the sudden squeal that escaped from the other, chuckling softly as she patted his back.

Blaine was here being a high pitched nervous wreck whereas Kurt was just standing next to Rachel's open locker door with a grin, secretly finding Blaine's reaction ( adorable ), but he didn't even look at him. Instead, he only raised a hand as his way of saying hello, his focus however remaining on ( her ).

"So— you thought about it yet?"
He asked with a head tilt, still nothing to Blaine which was honestly the saddest thing but if only the curly haired beauty knew what this jock was hiding.

"Thought about what?" She now raised a hand to push her locker shut, and she glanced up at his new expression and then was soon to realise what he was on about. "( Oh ), I'm dumb, please excuse me uh.. but no. No I haven't thought about prom"

Blaine's heart sunk at the thought of it,
knowing it was only going to be a long night of loneliness that he wouldn't be looking forward to. There wasn't exactly many gays here at McKinley, and the ( only ) gay man he was interested in was Kurt. But.. he didn't know he was in fact

G A Y.

"Why not?" What is everybody and asking me so many goddamn questions?! Because I remain a dateless woman who will forever remain dateless and will without a doubt be stuck in the corner watching the one woman she loves dance with somebody else!

She's the Man: A Faberry AUWhere stories live. Discover now