part one

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Have you ever wondered what it's like to be both the new girl ( and ) loser that most people learn to dislike within only a matter of seconds? Well if you have then you're currently reading the fabulous story of a girl that is known as ( exactly ) that.

That's me.

Rachel Barbra Berry, one of McKinley Highs favourite targets of what is known as the famous slushy war. Don't know what that is? Well it's basically something that tells not only you, but everybody else in the school that you are in fact a complete and utter loser.

A loser like me.

I may be one of those geeks that most people out in the world wish they could become the ( opposite ) of, but I aim high. I have high expectations, and I mean ( really ) high ones because I am currently lost on the route of falling in love with Miss Beauty Queen herself.. Quinn Fabray.

Speaking of the devil, here she comes.. strolling into the Lima Bean to enjoy another caramel latte before she has to go suffer another few hours in a room of learning, unless she has practice of course which is probably the case. If you know their coach Sue Sylvester then you know for a fact that she is more than just a little bit strict with her Cheerios. And don't call me creepy for just staring at the back of her head as I simply admire the beautiful sandy locks she has nicely plaited for today. Did you do that yourself Miss Fabray? You are a true goddess and of course you know that. Why wouldn't you? You probably get told that everyday by your overly protective boyfriend Noah Puckerman, otherwise known as Puck for short. He's sort of.. the bad bitch of McKinley that somehow won the heart of the ( one ) woman I have my eyes set on.

Disappointing, right?

But do you wanna know a secret? I'm—


Fingers snapped in front of her face, eyes widening as she was tugged back into the light of reality, of course being greeted by the sight of a rather confused Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson.

Oh boy..

She stared blankly at the two in front of her for a moment, before pulling on an awkward smile and clearing her throat, "Uh huh?" She soon replied after seconds of silence, now allowing her gaze to meet theirs.

Blaine placed down his cup with a tilt of his head, brows arched up. "Are you... ya know.. I dunno—"

"Okay and I dunno.. with us?" Kurt finished, earning himself a roll of the eyes and a nudge from Blaine. No, the two weren't dating but let's just say that Blaine definitely did have high hopes for a future with this man, even if it didn't seem at all possible.

Rachel's smile faded and she couldn't stop the sigh from passing through her lips as her hands clutched around her cup. "I guess. Just.. daydreaming"

"About?" Blaine, please stop asking questions, you don't want Kurt to think you're such an eager beaver do you? But you also don't want him to think you're the quiet type. So either way, you seem to lose, huh?

"I'm sorry— just, want to make sure you're alright. That's all" A true sweetheart as always, hm? That will always be something I love about you, but come on. Talk to ( him ) , not me. Not just because I would very much rather go back to continuing the beauty of the captain of the Cheerios..

"No no, don't apologise-" she shook her head, smiling towards him. "It's completely fine but I'm afraid that I'm not too sure how to explain the current.. mind set? that I have gotten myself into" she released a chuckle, earning Blaine's brows to arch further up.

She's the Man: A Faberry AUWhere stories live. Discover now