part six

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Friday morning. Another day at McKinley High and another day leading towards prom, meaning I have 24 less hours to figure out how to win Quinn's fragile heart hopefully without breaking Puck's.. no I still haven't figured out how I'm gonna work around that road block yet but have hope in me will ya?

Also, you may be wondering what happened to Brittany and Santana after their cute little heart-to-heart duet and you may even be wondering how they are today and the answer is... Santana and Brittany were now an item, though it was a secret until Santana finally grows the balls to come out, which may take a while since she didn't want to lose that popularity ring of hers, but can you blame her? Coming out was hard enough alone but when both your school and family were full of homophobes.. then it must seem impossible. That's why over half the gay people of the world are still locked away deep within their closets.

I'm halfway out of it.. and you can believe me when I say I know for a fact that I wont be on my own when I come out of it completely.

"Rachel, look at me"
Kurt snapped his fingers in front of her face in hopes to gain her attention but she had only opened her locker to hide due to embarrassment. "No.. I need to hide from my failures"

"What failures? Rachel, you made the team!"
He chuckled and lifted a hand up to close her locker so he could see her, keeping his palm pressed against it so she couldn't open it up again. "I may have made the team, but the person who made it wasn't necessarily me"

"Well, who's fault is that, hm?"
He watched as she lifted her hood above her head, tilting his head to the side as he narrowed his eyes. "Why pretend to be what your not when you are perfect on your own?"

"You wouldn't understand.." she mumbled, glancing down at herself. She was dressed not as Rachel, but as Ray. No she didn't pick that name but she had no other choice but to use it considering Kurt almost blew her cover.

Perhaps that was her fault for not informing him about what her plan was though. "And why wouldn't I? I get mistaken for a girl all the time. It's like everywhere I go, I am greeted with a 'hi ma'am, how may I — wait.. I am so sorry'" he chuckled lightly to himself before glancing behind him towards Quinn who was making her way down the hall with both Brittany and Santana, who were lurking behind her with linked fingers.

"I'm starting to wonder why you did it.."

Rachel frowned, fingers gripping gently onto the sleeve of her letterman jacket. "Again, you wouldn't understand. You're so confident, and so.."

"Gay?" He finished her sentence, even with knowing that wasn't what she was going to say. "No.. well yes, but no. I meant, open. You're so open and you don't care what people think of you, Kurt. You wouldn't understand a single thing that I'm going through"

Kurt's gaze slowly drifted back to her when he noticed the certain blonde approaching. "That's where you're wrong.."

"Hey—" Quinn cut in with a soft smile, not even once looking at Kurt since her attention was on this mystery 'man' who somehow caught her eye. Rachel was quick to turn her back slightly so Quinn couldn't get a good enough look but maybe it was too late for that.

"Uh.. hey—" she forced out, pulling on a voice in hope it was good enough to be mistaken as a boys. Kurt was high pitched so.. it should work, right? Quinn's smile had only widened as she offered a tilt of her head.

"The girls and I are throwing a party tonight, to help hook people up before prom so no one is stuck weeping in the corner of their bedrooms. You should come, unless.." she glanced behind her with a grin, the two girls owning a matching pair of their own. She now looked back to her, offering a gentle shrug.

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