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ship - skephalo

12:14 PM

skeps: darrryyyyyyy

baldboyhalo: Zak?

skeps: i nede youuuu

baldboyhalo: You need me? O-o

skeps: yess i'm borfd entrtian me

 baldboyhalo: Come into my room and we can figure something out, muffin. 

Zak gets up from his bed where he is lying and pulls his hands through his hair a couple times. Once he's in front of Darryl's door, he raises one hand and knocks softly, waiting to see his friend's cheery face.

Darryl opens the door and smiles at Zak, welcoming him in. 'God, he's cute.' Zak thinks to himself as he sits down in Darryl's desk chair. "So..." Darryl says expectantly. "So," Zak mimicks. "I'm bored, and I figured since I wasn't with you, you must have been bored, too." Darryl rolls his eyes playfully. "Well, it's a nice day out, we could do something outside?" He suggests. "Yeah, but I'm also hungry." Zak says, leaning back into the chair. 

"I know!" Darryl chirps. "How about a picnic?" Zak hops out of his chair and runs out of Darryl's bedroom and into the kitchen. "Zak..?" Darryl questions, following close behind. Once Darryl catches up to Zak, he notices that his over-eager friends has started throwing all the contents of their fridge into a basket. "Zak, we only need like, two sandwiches." Darryl says, pushing his glasses up on his nose. Zak pauses and looks over at him. "Oh, right."

The two boys start an assembly line in their kitchen. Zak cuts the bread into slices and hands them over to Darryl, who spreads peanut butter on one slice and jelly on the other. Once they've packed everything up, they grab their shoes and head out the door. 

"So where are we going?" Zak asks Darryl, who is driving through streets that Zak has never seen before. "It's a surprise." Darryl says with a glint in his eyes. Zak smirks and starts being as annoying as he can be to force Darryl to tell him where they're going. 

"Daaaarrryyyyllll, pleeeeeease!" Zak whines. "Nope! I'm not telling!" Darryl says, laughing at how cute Zak is when he's angry. "Unnnnghhhh." Zak groans. "Just tell me when we're close, okay?" Zak huffs, to which Darryl replies, "I don't have to, we're here."

Zak jumps out of the car, racing to the back to grab all of their things. "Hurry!" Zak says while shoving a blanket in Darryl's face. "Woah, Zak! Don't worry, the park's not going anywhere." Zak races to the nearest tree and plops down all their stuff. "Is this a good place?" Zak looks at Darryl. "Yes," Darryl says. "A very good place." 

They spread out the blanket across a nice sunny area and start to unpack all their goodies. "One sandwich for you," Zak says handing one to Darryl. "And one for me." He says, placing one in front of himself. Darryl watches Zak hurriedly unwrap his sandwich, stuffing his face with the jelly-filled goodness. 'I've never realized how adorable Zak is.'  he thinks to himself. "Hey, Zak?" Darryl says suddenly. Zak freezes and looks at Darryl, his mouth full of sandwich. "Yesh?" He says, his words blurred by the food. Darryl pauses a moment and thinks about what he's doing. Zak swallows and clears his throat. "Um, sorry, lost my train of thought." Darryl says nervously, his cheeks light pink. "Oh, okay!" Zak says cheerfully and resumes eating his sandwich. 'What am I doing?' Darryl wonders. Zak finishes off his sandwich and lays his head down in Darryl's lap. Darryl's face turns beet red. "Um, is this okay? Can I do this?" Zak stammers out. Darryl nods his head and says, "Yeah, sure. Totally, its fine." Zak smiles at him and closes his eyes, listening to the breeze and the birds singing. 

Suddenly, "Darryl," Zak starts. Darryl looks down at Zak. "Staring contest. Go!" Zak lifted his head so he could be directly facing Darryl's rainforest-green eyes. 'He's perfect'. Zak thought to himself. Meanwhile, Darryl was freaking out. On the inside, of course. 'Oh my goodness, he's so hot oh my goodness did I just blink? No okay oh my goodness."  Darryl loves looking at Zak's brown eyes. Brown eyes are so underrated. Darryl can see all the beams of light shining off of them, creating tiny rays of sunshine floating around whenever Zak looks at him. Or maybe, that's just what he feels. 

Darryl snaps out of his daze when he blinks. He expects Zak to look away, but he maintains eye contact, his gaze not wavering. Zak is blinking now, too, but still he looks right at Darryl. Not breaking their now not-staring contest, Darryl stutters out, "Zak, how long are we going to do this for?" Zak doesn't answer, he just keeps staring, until he blurts out, "You have really nice eyes." Both of their faces go red, and the staring ceases. "Um, thanks. I like your eyes, too." Darryl says quietly. 

Awkward silence.

Until Zak goes on. "I also like your nose." Darryl gives a confused smirk. "And your hair. Pretty much your entire face." Darryl laughs softly, trying to cover up the fact that he's blushing profusely. "Zak, what are you saying?" He asks. Zak looks him in the eyes again. "I'm saying I like your face." Darryl smiles and looks down, his sandy-blond hair covering his forehead. Zak smiles and brushes it out of the way, also sliding Darryl's glasses off while he has the chance. "Zak, what are you-" Zak holds up his hand to Darryl's mouth and puts the glasses on his own face. Darryl laughs, even though he can barely make out what Zak is doing. "How do I look?" Zak asks,     framing his face with his hands. "Very handsome." Darryl says through giggles. Just as Zak is slipping the glasses back on Darryl's face, thunder sounds from the sky. 

Darryl pushes his glasses up on his nose and looks up at the sky. Grey clouds have moved in. Eventually, cold water droplets poke at Zak's and Darryl's faces. "Zak," Darryl looks at him. Bigger drops fall onto them. "Zak!" Darryl says louder as hundreds of raindrops pour down from the sky, soaking everything they touch. Zak and Darryl frantically gather all their stuff and make a run for the car, dropping things along the way. Zak gets a head start and is a few yards in front of Darryl, who yells to Zak, "Zak! The keys!" 

Zak turns around and sees Darryl on his knees, scouring the ground for their car keys. Zak drops all the stuff in his arms and runs back to help Darryl look for their them. They're rubbing their hands along the grass, waiting to feel something cold and pointy. Darryl takes off his glasses, they were no help with all the water on them. Zak feels something on his hand, but it's not the keys. Darryl, having only his sense of touch, accidentally grabs Zak's hand and holds onto it. "Uh, Darryl?" Zak says while blushing. "Yeah?" Darryl responds, yelling over the thunder. "That's my hand." Darryl takes his glasses out again and looks down at his hand, which is still holding Zak's hand. "Oh," He says, embarrassed. "Sorry." He goes to let go, but Zak flips his hand so their fingers are intertwined. Both of them blush hard, and they meet each other's gaze. Zak is so focused on Darryl, he forgets that it's pouring. 

Without warning, Zak leans in and kisses Darryl right on his lips. "Zak, what was that?" Darryl yells. "Was it bad?" Zak winces. "Well, no," Darryl admits. "It was actually kind of, nice." Zak's mind is screaming, 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING RED ALERT RED ALERT WE'RE GOING DOWN!'  Darryl doesn't know what he's doing, either. Before he can process it, he blurts, "Would you ever want to do it again?" That is all Zak needs. Zak leans in toward Darryl's face again and connects their lips for a good 20 seconds, completely forgetting about the rain that is soaking all of their belongings. Darryl can feel Zak's lips being curved into a smile before pulling away. "Wow." They say in unison. 

Darryl bites his lip and smiles at the ground while walking back to the car. Zak comes up from behind him and slips his hand into Darryl's. Both of them blushing and extremely soaked, they get into their car and drive home. 

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