hold me

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ship - techalo ( techno x bbh ) 

i believe this was a requested ship but i forgot who asked for it so uh ... :v 

song for this chapter is 'light of my life' by cvmel u can look it up if u want i'm too lazy to copy the link

darryl was laying in bed, tears streaming down his cheeks. he had just finished his wednesday stream, the chat had pushed him over the edge again. 

at first the jokes were okay, just little memes that meant nothing. but after a while of the same repetitive donations and spam, darryl started to get annoyed. 

"stop spamming friggin' memes, muffins!" he yelled, genuinely upset. the viewers didn't let up, causing him to get more frustrated. 

"that's it!!" darryl sniffled a little, eyes watery as he logged out of minecraft. 

"stream's over." and he ended it. 

so now he's here. crying into his pillow, hair messy and face wet. 

"why me..?" he squeaked through sobs. "why is it always me?" 

a few knocks came from outside his door, along with a soft, "can i come in?" 

darryl quickly wiped his face with his shirt, plastering on a fake smile before getting up and opening the door. it was his roommate, dave, better known as technoblade. 

"hey techno!" he chirped in a scarily convincing happy voice. 

dave wore a sad smile, waving. "hey. everything okay?" 

"of course! why wouldn't it be?" darryl asked, clearing his throat a bit. 

the taller sighed softly, glancing behind darryl at his tear-stained pillowcase. "i heard you crying.." 

darryl tilted his head, playing dumb. "what are you talking about-?" but before he could finish, dave pulled him into a tight hug, keeping him close. the shorter boy froze up for a moment, processing the arms around him. then, he broke down. 

the tears started flowing again, wetting the shoulder of dave's shirt that darryl's face was stuffed into. "it's okay, it's alright, sweetheart.." dave whispered to him. he only used cute pet names like that with darryl. 

"they're so m-mean to me..!" darryl stuttered, letting out quiet whimpers as he cried. 

"i know, you don't deserve that." dave cooed, carefully picking up the crying boy and carrying him into dave's room. 

"you stay right here, okay? i'm gonna get some things." he told darryl, setting him on his bed. "o-okay.." he mumbled, sniffling. 

dave walked out, hurrying as he went to the kitchen, getting a glass of water for darryl along with his favorite pickle chips. then he called rat, darryl's dog, and brought it all back to his room. 

"rat.." darryl called quietly, a weak smile on his face when his puppy jumped up next to him in dave's bed. 

"i thought you could use some cuddles." dave said sweetly, setting the food and drink down on his bedside table and sitting next to darryl. 

"th-thank you.." he mumbled, fumbling with his hands. dave's eyes met his for a moment, both wearing sad smiles. rat curled up at the end of the bed, sighing softly as the two boys gazed at each other. 

darryl sniffled again, breaking the staring contest. "so.." dave started. "need anything else?"

"you- er, can i- could we maybe-?" jumbled words flooded out of darryl's mouth. all he really wanted was to be held. to be held by dave, and to be told everything would be okay. 

"could you maybe just hold me?" he spat out quickly. dave's cheeks tinted pink. 

"oh." he said quietly. "i-i guess so.." he moved closer to darryl, wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist and pulling him into a sort of tight, laying down hug. darryl's arms went around dave's body, his head snuggled into his chest. 

both were silent for a moment, taking a minute to think about what was happening. finally, dave spoke up. 




and back to quiet. 

strangely, that factor of silence made darryl feel safer than ever. in dave's arms, he was home. 

"it's gonna be okay." dave whispered. "i promise. you'll get through this." 

and he did. 

y'all have no idea how hard it is for me to write fluff rn. i just wanna be held like dis bro ;-; 

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