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MADELEINE WENT TO SCHOOL THE FOLLOWING DAYS LIKE NORMAL. Since returning home there had been no more threats on her life and there was nary a supernatural inconvenience in all of three days. Thankfully Madeleine finally managed to hand in some assignments so she wasn't completely flunking out of high school. For once all of their supernatural group attended school except from Tyler who was still missing in action. Later in the afternoon, Caroline caught up with her blonde friend whom she hadn't seen all day. "Hey." Caroline greeted the witch at her locker as she flipped through her history textbook. Caroline placed a tender hand on Madeleine's arms. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." Madeleine answered honestly. She still barely slept but her wound had completely healed and her dad took it upon himself to keep watching by sitting outside her bedroom until he fell asleep.

"Just so you know I wasn't on board with the whole shipping you away so we could kill Elijah behind your back thing."

"It's fine, Caroline." Madeleine didn't hold any resentment towards Caroline and she had already forgiven Stefan and Damon for their scheme. Madeleine read the look on Caroline's face. The blonde vampire was thinking of other things. "What are you sulking about?"

"I'm not sulking." Caroline denied.

Madeleine closed her locker and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're sulking and you don't want to tell me because you think it's going to hurt my feelings."

"I love you and I'm am so here for you with everything that's going on." Caroline began.


Caroline unravelled. "But Matt won't talk to me because he thinks that me and Tyler have a thing which we obviously don't but he won't believe me."

The witch giggled. "Oh Care. Why have a boyfriend when I can watch your life in HD?"

"Not helping." The vampire pouted as she stamped her foot. "Hey, is that Theo?"

Madeleine followed Caroline's eyeliner down the hall. Theo had just left class and was standing in front of his own open locker. "Yep."

"Are you going to talk to him?"

"And say what? "Hey, by any chance did you try to murder me on Saturday night? No? Cool just checking.""

"So you really don't think it was him?"

The witch sighed. "Damon said it wasn't and besides it didn't seem like him. The person was taller. And lean."

"Okay so if you have completely ruled him out then why don't you talk to him?"

"It's not like that Caroline." Madeleine wasn't looking to date Theo at all. Not that there was anything wrong with him but he simply wasn't somebody she was attracted to. Besides love and romance were well out of her league.

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