chapter one

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Leo sighed as he layed on his bed-no mat- and started up at the ceiling. He had been in his room of the Argo II for three days now, the others hadn't even checked up on him. His curly, dark brown hair was a mess, his skin looked a bit pale and he was wearing his usual clothes. A long sleeved, white shirt, suspenders and a pair of jeans. he looked somewhat sick, like he hadn't eaten in three days. Which of course was true, Leo hadn't even stepped foot out of his room, why? He thought about that.

"Your usless, a freak, a murderer. What kind of person would want to be around you? Its better if you lock yourself in your room" said a small voice in his head

"Your wrong" leo yelled at it "your wrong, Im just tired"

"Tired of the hate? Tired of constantly being pushed aside? Of everything? You know there's a way to end right?

Leo sat upright, "really, how??" He asked a bit to excitedly

"Well, theres a razor on your shelf, just a few slices is all it will take" answered the voice. Leo blinked

"Maybe just a few?" He thought and got up. He walked over to his shelf, he took the sharp blade and held it in his fingers, "hello...old friend" he muttered and rolled up his sleeve, he took the blade and made four small cuts on his upper arm, he flinched at the sharp pain, then held onto it. He liked the sting, colour of the blood and the little part of him saying that he was still alive, his blood proved it. He took a cloth, and a waterbottle, he soaked the cloth in the water and started to clean up.

"See, isn't that a bit better?" Asked the voice.

"Yeah" leo said. He shook his head, clearing the dizzyness that came when he cut. He put the blade away in his toolbelt. Suddenly a knock came on his door,

"Leo, you in here, we are worried about you" said a small voice that leo recognized as Pipers.

"Yeah Im here, sorry I scared you" he walked over to the door and swung it open, "whatcha need Beauty Queen?" He asked a wide grin plastered on his face "fake" he thought.

"We are about to have breakfast, you need to eat something, we haven't even seen you for three days, much less seen you eat something"

"Dont worry, im fine, but if it worrys you that much I'll come and eat something" he said. Leo was glad when Piper nodded and made his way to the mess hall, he was thinking about what to eat when the voice came back

"That wong be the last time, you'll cut more" it said and leos grin slowly faded

"What do you mean" he asked

"You know perfectly what I mean" it answered


Sorry that this isn't to good, its my first time writing something like this as im new here. Next chapter will come out tomorrow, until then...adios

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